my 110 gal transfomation


this is what i started with in the first picture after many questions and excelent advice that i received on this form from many people to many to name but thanks to all that helped this is where i am now in the second picture. i would like to make this a combonation tank with some corals and fish. in the tank now i have a maroon clown, coral beauty, and scorpion fish. a green bubble tip anemone, about 25 red mushrooms that came with some LR i sallylight foot, 2 emerald crabs, 3pepermint shrimp. and a standard cuc. what i would like to add would be a few corals with some nice colors that do not require exccelant lighting as i only have 1 T5HO fixture with 2x54 watts 48" and 1 curent 2x65 watt 50/50 48". for fish i would like to add a lion fish, an angler fish and a stone fish. would these be ok/to much for my tank size? i will be adding some more LR soon thanks again to all that have helped and will continue to help.



Active Member
That is a great change! Much more natural - and some nice color on that live rock!
I personally would reconsider the 3 highly predatory fish with the smaller community fish. It is a crossroad point to some degree, do you want smaller coral friendly fish or larger predatory fish. These larger fish can impact water quality to a degree that corals will not be particularly happy.
So perhaps consider like a dwarf lionfish with some more community type fish?
You may be able to try some leather coral, colt coral, anthelia/xenia, and similar.


I looks much better...I would consider adding another powerhead on the right
You might be able to have some ricordia mushrooms, and they come in quite a few, rainbow, blue, green etc....
also some zoas...and they come in MANY MANY colors


thanks the one thing that i have to do is replace our lion fish who we had for 4 years. so if i cane only add one more fish it will be another lion for her as she is the one that lets me spend all the money on my tank. if she is happy then i am happy if she is missrable then i am missrable
this has worked for 21 years for me. now back to the tank when i add the power head to the right side of the tank where should i aim at the rocks or the front and down like the other one
thanks again


For my 225G...I have 2 powerheads at each top corner pointing down and to the front....and then 2 more on each side...front pointing across
I also have one in the center