this is what i started with in the first picture after many questions and excelent advice that i received on this form from many people to many to name but thanks to all that helped this is where i am now in the second picture. i would like to make this a combonation tank with some corals and fish. in the tank now i have a maroon clown, coral beauty, and scorpion fish. a green bubble tip anemone, about 25 red mushrooms that came with some LR i sallylight foot, 2 emerald crabs, 3pepermint shrimp. and a standard cuc. what i would like to add would be a few corals with some nice colors that do not require exccelant lighting as i only have 1 T5HO fixture with 2x54 watts 48" and 1 curent 2x65 watt 50/50 48". for fish i would like to add a lion fish, an angler fish and a stone fish. would these be ok/to much for my tank size? i will be adding some more LR soon thanks again to all that have helped and will continue to help.