my 12 gal nano aquapod

mpls man

Active Member
Originally Posted by MPLS MAN
heres some pictures of my 12 gal.... :cheer:

forgot to say this is only 2 months old.
of course it came with everything ....even the water , when i bought it. :joy:

mpls man

Active Member
(fish)...named by daughter

1 clown....nemo
1 orange hog fish..sunbright

pipe organ
(mushrooms )red, purple, green stripe, multi green
orange zoos
green zoos
green button polyps
yellow star polyps
green star polyps
brown star polyps
feather duster
candy cane
1 other green coral
6 nasssarius snails
pepermint shrimp
cleaner shrimp
6 crabs
6 snails

mpls man

Active Member
thanks DeMartini, i guess you have to remember that i got...

the tank, water, sand, rock, pretty much everything was estabulashed for me except putting it together, so it was easy, not as hard as my 75 reef though.
thanks for the complements though,
i'll keep everything updated as i add, i have a sunpod 70 watt MH coming soon, just added a maxi jet 400 today for x flow.

mpls man

Active Member
got my lights today current 70W MHS. :cheer: :cheer:
my question is my previous lights were pcs.
how long do i run the mhs for break in period, i know you have to do it only for a couple hours but not sure.
also got my nano skimmer today

here are some pics :jumping: :jumping:


mpls man

Active Member
so far the skimmer is working great, picked it up for $80.00 including shipping. didn't have to modify anything.
as far as the brain it's just an open brain.
the lighting i have is a 70 watt 14 k mh.