My 12 gallon jbj Nano, what do you think?


No actually the madrine is still in there... I am currently in the process of fattening it up. I have found that the thing love to eat frozen Mysis.. that I mix with a drop of Kent Garlic Extreme. I know it was said before that it was uncommon for the Madrine to eat prepared foods but my LFS gets all of theirs eating that before they sell them. Hopefully she will put on a little weight... only had this for for about 4 days.


I love mandarins I have one in my 55 gal and he is doing very well. I named him bob

Love the Nano by the way I have one also and I am still deciding what to put in it. I added an addtional 28 watt PC and I am having algea problems at the moment.


Thanks for the comments. I am glad to hear that people like what I have set up.
I hear you on the algea. I am cleaning the glass every other day and using a pair or tweezers to remove that nasty film like algea that covers everything about once a week. I am hoping to fix this problem when I get my RO system, which should remove the phosphates that are allowing this junk to grow. Might take some time but I will get rid of it... my turbo snail does wonders and the emerald crab never stops.