This is my 12 Gallon Nano that has been set up for about 2 months now...
upgraded the lights to a 70 watts sunpod MH and added some extra filter floss in the filter box took out the bio balls and carbon do a water change weekly.. This is what is looks like so far.
Jawfish (Bob)
Black & White Percula Clownfish (Larry)
Cleaner shrimp
3 Nassarius Snail
Maxima Clam Pic of a top down
Purple/ Yellow feather duster
I also have a red gorgonian, carnation anemone, one large rock on vary different zoos
upgraded the lights to a 70 watts sunpod MH and added some extra filter floss in the filter box took out the bio balls and carbon do a water change weekly.. This is what is looks like so far.
Jawfish (Bob)
Black & White Percula Clownfish (Larry)
Cleaner shrimp
3 Nassarius Snail
Maxima Clam Pic of a top down
Purple/ Yellow feather duster
I also have a red gorgonian, carnation anemone, one large rock on vary different zoos