My 12 gallon Nanocube dx


I checked back since it seemed like it had been longer, but I got it Aug. 21 and added my first fish and corals Sept. 13th.


Hey Littleliza, is that an anemone towards the top? If so, what kind? Are you running the standard deluxe lights that is comes with? Your tank looks terrific!


nope, no anenomes in my tank... I think it's a green hairy mushroom
I'm just using the stock lighting from the deluxe tank package


Your tank looks amazing. Im setting up a 12 gallon eclipse. Its cycling now. Could you give me a break down of how you added creatures to your tank. Timeline roughly.


I started cycling my tank Aug. 21 with live rock and live sand, after a couple weeks I added 2 astrea snails and 3 blue legged hermits. I began adding fish and corals on Sept. 13 and added more at once than I normally would have since I ordered online and needed to hit a certain price for them to ship. I added at that time yellow polyps, carnation coral, finger coral and leather coral, plus 2 peppermint shrimp and a hi-finned red striped goby and a yellow clown goby plus a pink feather duster & Hawiian feather duster and 2 zebra hermits. One of the shrimp and the clown goby have since expired, as well as the Hawiian feather duster (I think it got crushed under some lr in a move... it had a gash in part of it's segments and never recovered). I added star polyps, button polyps and orange zoas that I got as frags from a local reefkeeper a couple weeks later, and then bought and added more frags of orange zoas, the gh mushroom, blue mushroom, daisy polyps, colt coral, other assorted mushrooms Sept. 29 from a lady in town. My latest addition was the royal gramma, clingfish, cleaner shrimp and candycane coral and 2 nasarrius snails that I added Oct. 22. That's a lot to add in a small amount of time, though, so I would recommend taking it a little slower if you can. I just happened to have the opportunity to get frags free or very cheap early on and didn't want to pass it up. So far things are going pretty well, so I'll chalk that up to a lot of luck. :)
My tank is a 12 gallon nanocube deluxe. I modified the back chambers by removing the bio balls and the ceramic rings. I added in a 50 watt heater and a maxi-jet 900. I'm considering also getting some kind of skimmer for the surface scum. Everything else is stock. I keep the temperature around 83 degrees. I tried to keep it cooler, but the heat from the lights caused issues. I ran a fan over it during the day and that helped, but eventually I just gave in and put the heater at 83 for a constant temp. and nothing seems to be worse off for it.
Current residents include: a hi-finned goby, a royal gramma and a very small clingfish. I also have a cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, 2 super tonga nassarius snails, and 2 astrea snails (I think... again, ID issues... they're conical with a dark base and the top is metallic silver). I've got 2 zebra hermits and 3 blue legged hermits. I've got approximately 15 lbs. of live rock and 20 lbs. of live sand in the tank. As for corals, I have yellow polyps, a carnation coral, colt coral (I think... it's actually very green in color when it's shrunken down, but appears brown when it's fully expanded), blue mushrooms, various orange zoas, button polyps, green daisy polyps, green star polyps, a mushroom that is greyish with spots, coral star polyps, finger coral, candycane coral, and a pink and white feather duster. I've probably forgotten something, but I think that is the majority of my critters. :)


I have a mushroom in my 44 pentagon that looks almost exactly like the one you have pictured... Was sold to me as a green hairy mushroom, but I there seem to be at least 50 different species under that name..
It actually split twice since I bought it about 6 months ago...
Very nice looking tank by the way!


I have a 44 gallon pentagon tank, too! cool! My lighting isn't good enough for corals right now, though... fish & inverts only


Liza, could you please tell me the wattages of the bulbs you have? and do you have the LED moonlights also? Thanks


it comes with 2 24 watt 50/50 CF lights for a total of 48 watts, I believe... and yes, I have the LED moonlights. That's the stock lighting, there are places online where you can buy lids with upgraded lighting if you need a little more for what you want to keep.


it's the JBJ deluxe model that I have, btw... I saw you looking into types of nanos on your other post. I haven't had any problems so far with cracking, obviously... hopefully I never will! :)


thanks liza, where at in eau claire are you? i live in altoona, so howdy neighbor. maybe we can trade frags and some sand or whatever. if intrested let me know


wow, Altoona... small world. :) I'm on the North side by the airport. My tank is really new, so I don't really have any frags to trade or give you just yet, but I do know of another saltwater site with an Eau Claire section. I got frags from a couple local people and they're starting reef club meetings. I'd post the link, but I doubt it's allowed... my email is if you're interested in my sending you the link.