My 12 gallon Nanocube dx


Active Member
How do you like the clingfish,and does he eat for you?I have been considering one for my 65 since I have a diadema urchin in there.


sure thing liza, i dropped u a email. did u buy ur nano from Jim at tropic waters? i tried ***** and they dont carry them, and they wont just special order in one.


devilboy- no, I ordered mine off the internet. I don't think Tropic Waters carries any reef friendly nano tanks, but I did pick another 12 gallon up from them for a brackish water tank.
promisetbg- actually, my clingfish has gone missing since I last posted about him. :( There are a couple of possibilities, with the JBJ I've had fish jump the back partition a couple times before, and if I didn't notice him right away he might have died (I looked for him when I realized he was missing, but there's no sign of him anywhere). It's more likely that he starved, though, and the scavengers got him. I never saw him eat, and he had such a tiny mouth I was hoping he was finding something or was eating at night, but who knows. :( He was a really cool fish, though, so if you can get one to eat they're neat. Good luck to you, either way. :)


Very nice tank littleliza! what kind of filtration do you have running on that?


well, if you're familiar with the jbj nanocube, they have 3 chambers in the back for filtration. I kept a sponge they provided in the first chamber. In the second chamber I removed the bio balls and ceramic rings that come with it and added a couple bags of carbon. Then in the third I removed the stock pump and put in a maxi-jet 900 and a 50 watt heater. The water gets pulled in by the pumps suction, going through the first and second chambers and getting jetted back into the tank from the third chamber. That's it aside from bio filtration from my live rock and live sand.