My 120 cashed.... also known as the day from hell.


jackie dh

Wed night I added some huge mexican turbos and a beautiful electric blue hermit to my 120. I stood in front of the tank enjoying the crystal clear water and the healthy beautiful fish. I turned the lights out later and went to bed. When I got up yesterday morning I noticed the water was really cloudy, I have a pair of Maroon clowns that like to dig up the substrate so I assume that they had been redecorating again. And hour later I check the tank again and all my fish are on the bottom gasping!
I go into panic mode and start a big water change, I just about lost my mind waiting for the water to fill my 40 gallon tub, it seemed to take forever.... by the time it was full and I had the salt mix in my big fish weren't moving any more.... I frantically start draining the tank, while I'm doing that my Mom stops by and decided that my tub of new salt water was too full and she grabbed a dirty mop bucket from the kitchen and scoops out some water!!!!!! I actually stopped and cried.....
It was all the mix that I had left so I had no choice but to use it...... every thing that I did went wrong, I knocked things over, broke a drawer, spilled salt water and fresh all over the living room carpet...... I got the water changed and didn't have enough to refill the tank high enough to run the filter..... so I drag out my old canister filter and hook it up to get the water moving while I run to town to get more salt. My adult Emperor angel was not breathing and neither was my saucer sized Heniochus butterfly, I run into the other room were I have a 55 for a quarantine tank, adjust the salinity to match the big tank and scoop the two big fish out and put them in the 55. At this point I figured that I had nothing to lose by trying this since the looked dead already..... they were. :(
I make a mad dash to town (30 miles away) buy the only box of salt a the pet store and run back and mix enough water to get all the filters going and turn on the lights.... I had lost the prettiest Lemon peel Angel, my big blue head wrasse, royal gramma (still can't find the body) my coral banded shrimp and of course my Emperor and Heni. All that I have left are my Maroon clowns and three Pajama cardinals and snails and hermits. I am heart broken.......
This fish were perfect and 10 hours later they were dead. The only change was to add a few snails and a hermit, nothing else. They came out of a pristine tank full of healthy inverts so I doubt that they caused this. I have not tested the water but I will soon. The remaining animals seem OK but I plan on doing another water change tonight just in case. I also hooked up a HUGE protein skimmer in the sump, it's rated for a 300 gallon tank, funny thing is nothing is coming out of it yet???
I wish that I knew what happened..... I'm going to be scared to buy any more fish for fear of this happening again, especially at the current prices...... the Angel would cost $170 to replace as an adult, even a juvi is what $80 or $90? I make $12 an hour, I can't afford fish priced like that. :(


wow, im very very sorry to hear this!!!! good luck with everything else!!!
is the skimmer brand new? if so it could take a couple of days for it to start to skim, as it will have to break in.


Active Member
wow thats horrible! i know how it feels to loose everything, i lost all my coral about 500 bucks worth and all my fish about 150 bucks worth when i moved into my new house. i had a heater malfunction.
i dont think that the snails and the hermit crab was the problem...
honestly i cant think of any reason why something like that could happen. maybe something was added to the tank? or a heater malfunction like mine?
but really im so sorry to hear that.

jackie dh

As far as I know nothing was added and the temp is normal. I've got an algae problem though, it's totally covered my live rock, I wonder if it smothered it and caused the crash? It's why I got the giant snails and hermit.


If the skimmer is too over-rated you may not have enough waste in the water to move up into the collection cup. Do you have an anemone or sea cucumber that could have hitchhiked into the tank? Or should I say, you could have had a sea cucumber hitchhike into the tank.


That is crazy. Did you have a really deep sandbed? The only thing I can think of is that the maroons released toxins from really deep in the sandbed. My Maroon does that too and it makes me crazy, but I do not keep more than about an inch of substrate.

jackie dh

No hitch hikers, I've not added any thing to the tank but hermits and snails for almost a year. Part of the sand bed is really deep because of the clowns digging and some is bare glass for the same reason. I bet it's 3" or 4" deep on one side of the tank but it was undisturbed.
I did another 40 gallon water change last night and the remaining fish seem fine.... I'll be watching them like a hawk for a while. I also buried my lost ones yesterday, it was almost as hard as when I lose one of my furbabies. :(


Im really Sorry to hear for your loss. I cant think of anything eaither that would have caused it, However you menchend you are having a algae problem on you rocks. Pepole here helped me with some of that, Check you readings on your water, and the last time you changed your bulbs, also you said you filled up your tub with water im assumeing this tap water, if so there is alot phospates in tap that will cause your algae problem. use only R.O water from a good sorce and test it from the sorce your getting it to make sure your not doing the same thing. Also i invested in a slug called a Seahair. So far hes cleanning up all my rock that has algae on it and was worth getting. Once again im sorry for your loss and i hope i helped you out with any knolage i can think of.

jackie dh

I have a spring fed well, the water is wonderful. I'm afraid the algae problems is caused by me, I work an insane schedule and I'm bad about leaving the lights on 24-7. I've only got a basic light on this tank, there are no corals in this tank. I would like to up grade my lighting eventually.
ok so i'm totally new to salt coming from freshwater but i'll tell you what happened to me maybe (i doubt it tho) this coulda factored in to your situation.I had a loose wire from my stupid moonlights that i got and my pair of clowns were dancing around and splashed water onto the light.Needless to say everything is dead lost around eight fish and i feel terrible.My anenome is still alive as well as my crabs and snails but thats it.Just throwin this out there


Well-Known Member

Cloudy tank and fish gasping for air sounds like an ammonia spike. How much live rock is in your fish only tank? Live rock is your best natural filter. When you have large fish the waste can get out of hand, and adding another critter may have been the straw that broke the camels back.
What are your test results reading now?

jackie dh

I have around 100 pounds of live rock in the tank. I just wish that I knew exactly what caused the spike so it will never happen again. :(
I tested the water a couple of days ago, Ammonia was 0, Nitrites were 0 and Nitrates were 20 ppms. I added a monster lawn mower Blennies a Thursday so the algae should be gone soon. In a couple of weeks I will either order a few fish here or travel to the city and hit the good fish store and bring home a couple, I can't stand seeing the tank so empty.... it reminds me of when my horse died and I kept thinking that I was seeing him still out in his pasture eating grass.... very sad.....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jackie DH
I have around 100 pounds of live rock in the tank. I just wish that I knew exactly what caused the spike so it will never happen again. :(
I tested the water a couple of days ago, Ammonia was 0, Nitrites were 0 and Nitrates were 20 ppms. I added a monster lawn mower Blennies a Thursday so the algae should be gone soon. In a couple of weeks I will either order a few fish here or travel to the city and hit the good fish store and bring home a couple, I can't stand seeing the tank so empty.... it reminds me of when my horse died and I kept thinking that I was seeing him still out in his pasture eating grass.... very sad.....

What kind of filtration? Do you run a skimmer?
I am with you on trying to find out what went wrong and prevent a future occurrence. I would go nuts. It really doesn’t make any sense. 100 pounds of rock is enough and it’s a well established big tank, everything was happy just the night before… and it really sounds like an ammonia spike.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jackie DH
As far as I know nothing was added and the temp is normal. I've got an algae problem though, it's totally covered my live rock, I wonder if it smothered it and caused the crash? It's why I got the giant snails and hermit.
Can you tell us what kind of algae this is? Cloudy water points to a bacteria bloom or perhaps some, oh I don't know what the sites filters here will do so I will just call it a spawning event by the algae.
I feel your pain as this happened to me about 5 years ago. Unfortuately I never knew what happened and never will. Mine happened during a water change. I did a routine water change and within an hour, all my fish were dead. All new water parameters were same as the tanks so I know that was not a factor. I *think* what happened to both of us is the substrate got disturbed and released some kind of deadly toxin. Since I've restocked the tank slowly and everythings been great! Just a bit more cautious.


Active Member
Wow, once things get fixed one of your priorities should be to get a timer for your lights. That will keep the system much more stable and help with the algae. Run em for 6 or 8 hours a day max until your algae isn't an issue.
Oh yeah and make sure you're prepared for feeding your lanwmower blenny 3 times a week with algae sheets, once your algae does go away. They eat a ton, and poop the size of a small bear (as someone once quoted, and I agree with)

jackie dh

I am slowly restocking and the new fish are thriving and the survivors have returned to normal behavoir. I placed an order here about a month ago and for once the entire order survived the trip. I got a Racoon butterfly, some thing that I've been trying to keep for years but they never seem to recover from being shipped, this one is seems to be doing very well. I also replaced the Heniocus with a tiny baby who has buddied up with the Racoon who isn't any to pleased about it but he doesn't chase the baby off. I also added a blue head wrasse which I thought had died but he darted out of the rocks for a moment two weeks later, I haven't seen his since but I assume that he is still in the some were.
So far so good. I plan to add a couple of tangs and if I can find one that I can afford, I want a Blue Face Angel..... my dream fish. Yeah, I dream small. LOL!


So sorry about your crash! D:
Once, a was reading on a thread on this site(idk name) and their tank crashed, with cloudy water, fish gasping for air, etc because they cleaned their protein skimmer with a tissue that had added Aloe in it. Did you recently clean anything with something that could have cleaners/chemicals in it? Or spray/use something nearby the tank?

jackie dh

Nope, I'm fanatically careful about any kind of cleaner near the tank, no air fresheners in the room and the only cleaner is on the carpet and then no aerosols of any kind. The only thing that I did was add some large snails and a Electric blue hermit, I've been wondering if he didn't stir up the sand enough to release some toxins, one end of the tank has a very thick sand bed due to the digging of my clowns. I wonder if it would be safe to suction some of the excess sand out of the tank or would I be setting myself up for another crash?
It is hair algae (getting back to old questions) I've fallen back into the habit of leaving the lights on. :( I guess that I'm a bit paranoid about turning them off after what happened before, lights on, happy fish, I turned them off, dead fish. It probably had nothing to do with it but it lingers in the back of my tired little mind. :p


So sorry to hear that, I hope it wont happen again to anybody,
one Q thou, U said u started ur canister filter when u found the issue, did u cleaned it before using it?or was it dried properly after the last time u used it?Cuz my friend start a canister filter after about 12 hours electric blackout,and all the fish were normal until he started the filter again, bang
, all the fish died within few hours, cuz alge & some kind of bad bacteria grows in the filters when they are off for a quitelong time, and when u start it again, it will be like a shock bacteria dosing pump...
Thats what I know.
& good luck