My 120!!! Pics!!!


just thought i would drop them on here, i am in the process of converting to reef, means i wil have to say goodbye to my needle nose..
get some feed back..



Active Member
Nice tank!! Some long nose butterfly's are reef safe and others aren't, they are very similar to a copperbanded. You can try it. Is it a BB? Either way, GOOD JOB!!


Member duh.. thanks pilgrim.. treybomb, it is an acrylic bowfront.. bought it used off a guy, nice tank, i had to make a new stand, and re-plum it but it came out alright, i dont know the name brand of the tank, sorry.. clearity plus maybe


Active Member
i like it. you are oging ot need some more live rock too if you want to go reef.
What do you have as far as a sump/fuge?
and what lighting do you have, and what are you looking to keep as far as corals?

nemo lover

I think it looks pretty big. If you look at the pic with the door knob in it -The tank does look pretty tall. I think your tank is a half cylinder.


Active Member
Ok, if I were you I would get live sand, and put it in, like at least 3-4 inch deep sand bed if you are going to make it a reef. I would actually keep the longnose if I were you, see how it does with the first few corals(I think polyps are the ones you have to worry about) and then if it picks at them then say goodbye to that bugger.


ya pictures are alittle decieving.. it is a 120gal... also i said bowfront, in an earlier post, nemo ur right, it is a half cyclinder..
i had sand in a 30 gal that i had, and hated trying to keep it clean. i may put in alittle..


Active Member
well all that I am saying is that if you are going to be getting reef, I would recommend live sand.


does anyone else think that i can keep my long nose butterfly w/ i go reef?. i have heard mixed feelings on them pickin at corals.?..


Active Member
Try it, they are like a copperbanded, they are hit and miss. Try it, if it works GREAT! If it doesn't get rid of him...