My 125...let me know what you think


Very nice! What is your set up? How much did you pay for it? I love the Powder Blue! You have some nice angels as well!

bob a.

The fish are beautiful, but I think you have too many of them in a 125. If you add up the lenth of all the fish how much do you have, maybe 50-60"? The angel and the naso will get bigger so it will only get worse. What type of filtration are you running to keep up with that bioload?


Active Member
Beautiful looking fish! But they are far too many of them for a 125.
The tangs and angels will get much larger and being in such a small tank will stress them out. It would be like you or I living our entire life in a small studio apartment. May seem big, but if that is all you have it will get stressful. These fish like LOTS of room to swim, and they just don't have it in you tank.
Also, having that many tangs in one tank could be asking for trouble. They tend to get terrirotial over time and there may be some infighting. Just a heads up.
Overall, you got too much bioload for that tank IMO. Unless you have some mega filtration that I am not seeing, you will have to loose a few of the fish.


I love how you setup the tank next to that mirror. Looks sweet.

That Angel is Huge. He might be to big for that tank.

Otherwise, you have a very nice display of fish. :happyfish

michelle l

I agree that it's a gorgeous tank. But, (not to be a wet blanket) I also agree that the bioload is way too much for a 125. The fish look healthy and gorgeous (LOVE that powder blue and the angel) but there are just too many.

37g joe

even a lfs who is planing to sale the fish would not have that many fish in their tank. if you wana keep all thos fish you need at least one 300 gallon tank or divide them up and get another tank that is at least 200 gallons Imo.
Also how long have you had your tank setup Your substrate is very clean and it looks as if you have a pretty new setup I would estimate that your tank is not older than four monthes


ya, i know theres a few to many but all doing fine....that thanks been up for 2 years or so....but i've had it for a few months. i plan on eventually getting rid of some of the stuff but i have no idea what to take out....that angel has been in there for 2 years and the blonde for about the same amount of time....i have a wet/dry. left overflow with prefilter then 40 gallon sump wiht filter and bioballs also got some active carbon and some Rowaphos. have an 8" skimmer in the sump and a 5 gallon refigum and a UV ster. plus about 100 - 150 lbs of live rock plus 150 - 200 of sand....


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
even a lfs who is planing to sale the fish would not have that many fish in their tank. if you wana keep all thos fish you need at least one 300 gallon tank or divide them up and get another tank that is at least 200 gallons Imo.
Also how long have you had your tank setup Your substrate is very clean and it looks as if you have a pretty new setup I would estimate that your tank is not older than four monthes

Thanks Joe, that was my very first thought!!
Very beautiful, but my first impression is that it's WAY over stocked...hmmmm. I would also be interested in finding out how long the tank has been set up. Good luck with that.
Lisa :happyfish

37g joe

Dont get us wrong bigdog we want you to suceed but with that many fish your chanses of an Ich outbreak are so High and I dont know how you would quarintine all those fish. I used to have a yellow tang in my 37 gallon tank and that was not a good Idea I lost him and its hard when you start losing fish we just dont want to have you go through the same heart ache that we have gone through.
Just because your fish are surviving does not mean thier Thriving


ya i know you guys are right i think i may have an ich break out scary stuff.....what should i do i don't have the means for a QT....whats the best way to rid of ich? i know i should get rid of some fish, other then the clowns.....what you think should go?


I can't tell if you have any inverts or not and I don't see any coral. So that means you could always do hypo in the display tank. I had to do it once in my 125 and it wasn't too hard.
As far as what fish to keep, it all depends on which ones you like the most. Personally, I have an emporer and powder blue together and think they look great. Keep those 2 for sure.
You should probably get rid of:
The naso tang because it gets very large.
The puffer, since it is the only real agressive fish in there and it might start nipping due too over stocking.
The cowfish since it gets to almost 2 feet in length.
Other than that you could stand to get rid of some of those butterfly fish. That should get you on course.

37g joe

Just make sure you dot use any coper based medications in your display tank your substrate and rock well be contaminated and never be able to be with inverts or coral.