My 125...let me know what you think


How is your Cowfish doing? Was he hard to acclimate/get to eat? What is his personality? I am really wanting one!


well actualy i bought this tank used.....the powder blue and the emp. were put in the tank back in 3/2003 WOW the cow came with it, it was the guys second one. the only inverts i have is a shrimp and a bunch of herm. but none other then that, i'm going to try feed garlic and i'm getting rid of the pair of clowns, the large racoon and then i'm not exactly sure what else....concidering the age of the angel.....i was debating weather to trade him in for a 3-4" queen that my lfs has....but i know they are hard to keep. my other thought is to take the naso out and get something small or take another butterfly out but i'm not sure which one i should take out.


Starting over from scratch is a little extreme. All he has to do is pick his favorites and keep them. None of those fish are incompatible.
I don't think you should trade any fish, just get rid of many of the ones you have. If you drop your stock to UNDER an acceptable level, then you should wait, get used to the fish, and then consider getting something different. Since you can't take care of what you have now, thinking of new fish under any circumstances is a bad idea.
Garlic helps boost immune systems in fish, but will not kill Ich.


Active Member
well yeah but garlic does help and hypo does too
and get lots of skunk cleaner shrimp they are good
i think get as rid of as many fish as ucan


ok, so i got rid of the XL racoon, the pair or clowns and also the dusky/black butterfly.....i know that fish is really rare but no one seemed to like him comparitvly to everything else in there....hope that cures some problems.