Well, I'll start by saying I am totally new to saltwater aquariums. I've kept a more than a few fresh water, but never salt.
We are planning a FOWLR. The stock list so far:
Australian Harlequin tusk
Lion Fish
Snowflake Eel
regal tang
I'm open for suggestions also. Looking for color.
I spent some time awhile ago looking for a tank but never pulled the trigger. The fiance and I moved into our condo in October and figured now was as good of a time as any to get one going.
I ended up finding a used 125 on an ad site and pulled the trigger. I go and look at the tank and talk to Brian (the guy selling it) for a little while. It turns out, we ended knowing each other and had met a few times before! Brian offers to deliver the next day and throws in some rock, skimmer, and a sump. Sold.
Next day rolls around and Brian delivers.
He made promise to at least clean it before I put pictures up here... But I had my fingers crossed
As we got it:
Sump and skimmer
I was happy with it the way it was. But Hannah (the fiance) didn't like the color of the wood, "It didn't match anything"...
She pointed out it was my project and it need to go with the rest of the house. So I agreed to strip off the outer wood and add some new with a different stain.
While we were at Home Depot looking for new wood, Hannah decided she didn't like the blue on the back of the tank and wanted a different color.... I sneered and bought her a scraper - figuring manual labor would get her to hush up about it live with the current color.
Well, I was wrong she scraped the back of the tank:
While we are at Home Depot, we found some Cabinet grade Pine that looked really nice.
The down side was that it was 1/2 inch thick and heavy. So I decided to rebuild the hood with 1x3 to be able to support the weight of the new wood. I cheated and just used all of Brian's measurements.
We are planning a FOWLR. The stock list so far:
Australian Harlequin tusk
Lion Fish
Snowflake Eel
regal tang
I'm open for suggestions also. Looking for color.
I spent some time awhile ago looking for a tank but never pulled the trigger. The fiance and I moved into our condo in October and figured now was as good of a time as any to get one going.
I ended up finding a used 125 on an ad site and pulled the trigger. I go and look at the tank and talk to Brian (the guy selling it) for a little while. It turns out, we ended knowing each other and had met a few times before! Brian offers to deliver the next day and throws in some rock, skimmer, and a sump. Sold.
Next day rolls around and Brian delivers.
He made promise to at least clean it before I put pictures up here... But I had my fingers crossed

As we got it:
Sump and skimmer
I was happy with it the way it was. But Hannah (the fiance) didn't like the color of the wood, "It didn't match anything"...
She pointed out it was my project and it need to go with the rest of the house. So I agreed to strip off the outer wood and add some new with a different stain.
While we were at Home Depot looking for new wood, Hannah decided she didn't like the blue on the back of the tank and wanted a different color.... I sneered and bought her a scraper - figuring manual labor would get her to hush up about it live with the current color.
Well, I was wrong she scraped the back of the tank:
While we are at Home Depot, we found some Cabinet grade Pine that looked really nice.
The down side was that it was 1/2 inch thick and heavy. So I decided to rebuild the hood with 1x3 to be able to support the weight of the new wood. I cheated and just used all of Brian's measurements.