My 125g Reef build


Hey all, just wanted to share my new project - a 125g reef tank with a 30g refugium. I got a 125g Marineland aquarium about a month back now, and decided to get it all setup. No it's not drilled, but I think I got a good deal at $499 for the tank and stand. It was brand new, but the store wanted to get rid of it, since they were having problems moving it....guess not many people interested in 125g...or they might be going drilled, but I didn't have $1200 for a drilled tank and I set out on a mission to turn it into a reef tank.
Here is the tank when I first got son seemed to enjoy it

Overflow Plumbing

From the fuge to the tank

Output into the tank

Fuge Inlet

Fuge Outlet

Tank with water and sand (only a little.....I ran out....boooooo)

Just wanted to share my little project and the stage where I am at. still a long way to go, but day by day, dollar by dollar I'll get there...heh. Atleast gas is cheaper now so I can afford the 1.5hr drive to my LFS. I know it's nothing spectacular...yet....but a little live rock, some lighting....maybe a few fish... it migh actually turn out ok.
Comments, questions and concerns welcome. Thanks for taking a peek.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Great start.One thing i would consider before you go any further is to drill your tank for a closed loop system and maybe drill for your overflow:
Its better to do it now then change your mind later.Even if money is tight right now and you cant get the closed loop pump ,you could at least drill and cap the bulkheads with ball valves.


I contemplated a closed loop system, but I just can't do it. The glass company in town (there is only 1) won't touch it because they saw "Tempered" stickers on the glass. I tried to explain to them it was only the bottom panel, and showed them the information direct from Marineland's site, but they still didn't want to do it. Even if they would have, it would have cost me $75 a hole. If I wanted to drive an hour and a half, I could get it done, but that would cost me around $50 a hole, plus gas, so it's really a wash.
I personally just don't feel comfortable at this point to DIY my holes. Not with $500 on the line, and me with no experience. It would be a pretty devistating blow if I broke it, and I think my wife would have me by the short hairs.

If I had my choice I would have gotten a great pre-drilled Oceanic or something along that line, but this was my option I had.
So for me at this point, it will be the old fashioned overflow/power head combo. I was thinking about getting a couple Koralia 5 magnums, and a couple Koralia 3's for water movement. Though I was toying with the idea of a couple Maxi-jet 1200's with the Sure Flow kits. The difference being I can do it a little at a time this way, rather than all at once. Budget wise, it just works.
I know it's not the best answer, but I am just playing with the cards I have been dealt. Thanx for the input, and I really appreciate it. If I ever setup another big tank, hopefully the finaces work out so I can do it closed loop.
As far as the overflow, that is working great. I am actually using a 1 1/4" bulk head for the drain. It made quite a noise when I first got it going. I almost tore down the tank it was so annoying. But I started looking around at left over parts, and got the idea to put in some of that black coarse filter sponge over the opening for the drain. wouldn't you know it, bam sound is gone. I can actually hear my protein skimmer and return pump more that the overflow now....not bad for a $5 piece of foam.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jubbin2001
I contemplated a closed loop system, but I just can't do it. The glass company in town (there is only 1) won't touch it because they saw "Tempered" stickers on the glass. I tried to explain to them it was only the bottom panel, and showed them the information direct from Marineland's site, but they still didn't want to do it. Even if they would have, it would have cost me $75 a hole. If I wanted to drive an hour and a half, I could get it done, but that would cost me around $50 a hole, plus gas, so it's really a wash.
I personally just don't feel comfortable at this point to DIY my holes. Not with $500 on the line, and me with no experience. It would be a pretty devistating blow if I broke it, and I think my wife would have me by the short hairs.

If I had my choice I would have gotten a great pre-drilled Oceanic or something along that line, but this was my option I had.
So for me at this point, it will be the old fashioned overflow/power head combo. I was thinking about getting a couple Koralia 5 magnums, and a couple Koralia 3's for water movement. Though I was toying with the idea of a couple Maxi-jet 1200's with the Sure Flow kits. The difference being I can do it a little at a time this way, rather than all at once. Budget wise, it just works.
I know it's not the best answer, but I am just playing with the cards I have been dealt. Thanx for the input, and I really appreciate it. If I ever setup another big tank, hopefully the finaces work out so I can do it closed loop.
As far as the overflow, that is working great. I am actually using a 1 1/4" bulk head for the drain. It made quite a noise when I first got it going. I almost tore down the tank it was so annoying. But I started looking around at left over parts, and got the idea to put in some of that black coarse filter sponge over the opening for the drain. wouldn't you know it, bam sound is gone. I can actually hear my protein skimmer and return pump more that the overflow now....not bad for a $5 piece of foam.
Drilling your own isnt that hard at all,but i understand your concern.I was really nervous drilling the first hole but after that it was a breeze.
One other thing that might be helpful.Put in your LR before you add anymore sand.It will help prevent a rock slide in the future.


Exactly what I was thinking
. I actually am planning on getting a bunch of base rock to tie in my LR and epoxy it together with Aquastick...or w/e it's called. I have used it before and it works pretty well, and I am still able to break it apart if need be. Then epoxy some of the smaller odd shaped ones (1lb-5lb)that are prone to falling off if not seated correctly. I just figured as a precaution I would like to have a more stable rock display than I previously had, hoping it will make attaching corals a little easier for me, since I don't have to worry as much of how much pressure I am exerting and then start to feel the rocks shifting....that makes me nervous
. Once again thanx for the input!
(just on a side note. I assure you the lights on the tank are not the ones I will be using. Those are just the ones that came with the tank...though they are a little nicer since they have polished reflectors in them....much nicer than those drab white painted ones...I am thinking 2 36" nova extremes would look nice up there


So it's been a few months since I updated this post. and here is the current product of my hard labor as of today. I still have some crabby corals that just got plopped into the tanks, so not everything has been opening up yet. I still have some rock work to, and might still change things up. I had to finish tearing down my 29g because the wife wants that to be a seahorse tank now
. Once things start opeing up I will continue to update. Just thought I would share


That is a plate coral:
Here is my post just after I got him....should be close enough for ya


Depending on conditions in the tank, and how well I take care of him, some plate corals can reach an 8" diameter. Though I don't expect that to happen, it's hard to say....hopefully it can hit 8" or so...but I am thinking it might be closer to 5. Really it just all depends on how happy I can make him, making sure he gets everything he needs


Right now about 60 lbs in there, so a little under half way
. Basically all the fish are from my 29g tall, and 24g nano cube. The exception is the Yellow Eye Kole Tang I got. Other than that, just CUC, so the bio load hasn't changed much from the fish stand point. I am not going to be doing to much else fish wise untill I can afford to fit the rest of the 70ish lbs of LR into the tank....well that and some of the fish I was looking at