my 125g semi-diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
Hey thanks. I just add my Lyetails to the main tank. Boy were they happy to get out of QT.

Have a Kole tang on order so it will be the next fish to be added to the tank after QT.
I want to see pics of the Anthias in their new home! And I know what you mean. My three Anthias have two more weeks and I know they are getting sick of the tight quarters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
The tank is 72L x 18W x 24H.

That's 135g actually. You got a bigger tank then you thought.
Great looking reef though.


Really a 135g thats sweet.
Here is some new pics.
My red goniporia.

My male Lyetail in main tank.

another of my male

my females



Active Member
=) I really love anthias probably my 2nd favorite fish behind Naso tangs. So I was shocked to see them. Check out my thread in the fish photography. It was updated at 2:00AM.


I will diffentely check out your thread TriGa22. I love Anthias to.
Thank Azaintcold. Would you believe I got that Monti for $50. It measures 8x8.


Thanks Trigger. My brother and I worked on the aquascaping together. I would hand him the rock and tell him where to put it. I am too short to reach the bottom of my tank even with a step stool.


pic of my new Blue Spotted Kole tang who was kind enough to come out of hideing for this pic



Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
What do tangs eat besides algae sheets?
Wow, that's a beautiful tang. I may have to re-think my tang list.

My Hippo Tang eats anything I put in my tank, pellets, flake, mysis shrimp, and Reef Plankton. I even saw her eating some of my red slime algea (new MHs syndrome


Thanks Azreefgal. I think that it is very pretty, I got it from here. My tang won't eat anything except the nori sheet as it is a chicken and will hide when we are near the tank.

I got the pic by sitting very still for twenty minutes before my tang would come out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
Thanks Azreefgal. I think that it is very pretty, I got it from here. My tang won't eat anything except the nori sheet as it is a chicken and will hide when we are near the tank.

I got the pic by sitting very still for twenty minutes before my tang would come out.
I think you were talking with me, Azfishgal, and not Azreefgal.
That's ok, people always confuse us.

Give her time, she will eventually come out and be more demanding when it comes to food, if she's anything like my Tang that is. I have found that QT has really benefited in teaching my fish to eat more variety. Every single new fish that has come in seems to only like one thing. BUT, once the 3 week QT is over they are practically jumping out of my tank every time I come up to it, and eating anything I put in. The one exception to this is my two Bangaii Cardinals. The only thing they will touch is mysis shrimp. BUT, now that I have my tang they seem to LOVE the algea sheets. Go figure.