My 180 - at 2 months.


This is my 180 at 2 months old today. 75 gallon refugium under the display - a little bit of everything inside. Let me know what you think so far - will try to post a few close ups.



Yes - some of the contents came from my 46 bow front that is no longer up.
Most of it was in tubs in the garage curing prior to start up -
The black background was suggested on my previous tank after someone saw a photo of it with a blue background. I actually painted this one - no water behind background this way. The black brings out the colors and shows of my fish better.
Cost? I bartered - traded - fragged - borrowed - and scavenged most of what you see.
Not where I want it to be yet - but getting closer to the goal.


I have the return from the refugium and nothing else right now. I have no problem with nitrites or nitrates - and it seams that the flow is both sufficient and keeping things happy. When I need to clean - and when I water change - I get things stirred up to be sure of no dead areas. I have 3 powerheads from previous tanks sittiing in wait - in case I need them.
As of today - no unsightly powerheads - and all is well in 180 land.
Any thoughts? I love this site and all of the feedback.
Until I observe a problem - I am sticking with what is working. I am a big proponent of do not mess with what is working (with a measure of experience and common sense).


Oh sorry - the flow nozzles are in the corners. Flow goes against the front glass in both cases and seems to keep all happy. :)