My 180 Reef


Active Member
Wow, forgot about this thread. Lost all the pics when they Upgraded the site. Heres a couple of shots.



Like everyone else said on the previous 3 pages!
~~~YOUR TANK ROCKS~~~~ glad i cld finally see what they were talking about
Thanks for reposting pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
9 tangs is a 180?? :scared: :scared: how long have u had all the tangs in there?
I had them in that tank about three years and last year I took one blue and two yellows out and sold back too LFS. Also my Squarespot and some chromis and the Hog.
Lost the CBBF and the Kole to the hurrican. So things change in the hobby and all is fine now but I know things will change again at some other time.
I dont have the 180g anymore but a 150g, 6 ft. reef. And what I kept I have had most of them all now for 5 years thru 3 different tanks and two hurricans.


WOW! That is the coolest tank I have EVER seen! I am going to make my 18o like yours. Do your yellow tangs school? If so, then I want 3 also. That would be neat. Do your Hippo's fight at all? 2 Hippos would be cool also, but I would rather have 1 Sohal, 1 Sailfin, 3 Yellows, 2 Hippos, 1 Powder Blue, 1 Queen Angel, 1 Regal angel, 5 Blue/Green Chromis, 2 Clowns, Diamond Watchmen Goby, Yellow watchmen Goby. Is that way too much?


Active Member
Never kept Sohal, sharks or stingrays but I would be conserned about the shark if its a messy eater. Tangs are always active and burn up most the food pretty good so there not as messy as alot of bigger lazy fish. The rest on your list sounds good to me. The tangs are always out front and active and generally peacefull. Alot of color in motion.
IMO no fish really school in captivity. My chromis sometimes hang out together but not all ways.


Dogstar, All your pics on the first three pages of your thread not show now, I wanted to see your stuff and perhaps get a few ideas in what I might get for my tanks when their ready


Active Member
Originally Posted by DME
Dogstar, All your pics on the first three pages of your thread not show now, I wanted to see your stuff and perhaps get a few ideas in what I might get for my tanks when their ready

This site went to a new format back in April 05 and everyones photos were lost, not just mine. If you click on my Username the click Find All Post By Me then you can search the ones after April that have photos. I have posted a lot of them after that.
29, no thanks,


I heard about the change over which is why I cannot have my full name as I wish to have and I will check your postings, Thanks


Active Member
Wow! Amazing tank! I know its an old thread I was looking through dogstar's threads and this is the one that had his tanks and amazing!


Active Member
Thanks yall....I forgot about this thread....
In case I didnt say somewhere in here, I dont have the 180g any more...around 2 years ago, sprung a leak and had to do a quick build and change over to a 150g AGA,
, I like the tank as far as glass goes but really do miss the acrylic.
TriGa22, searching for anything particular ?? let me know if I can help.
Heres a peek at 150g....had to sell some of the pets to the LFS due to the down size.
