My 180gal Oceanic Let Loose

tony detroit

Active Member
Insurance is 1000 deduc. They're taking care of ALMOST everything, I haven't sent them all the related reciepts yet, but am certain they will take care of at least the carpet related expenses.


I was lucky Tony... If you can call it that. I had placed water sensors in the stand by the sump and hidden on the floor next to the tank. They sounded before I had even lost a gallon of water. I was also at home at the time (which helped) so, I was right on it. I siphoned almost all the water out while wiping up what made it through the seal and onto the floor. I'm on hard wood floors so there was no damage there. The only thing it really cost me was money for Rubbermaid trash cans an LOTS of time. I also replaced my DSB and made some modifications to my Fuge while the tank was down. I have water sensors hidden around all my tanks. Infact, just the other day the one in my daughters room went off. She had added a bag of charcoal to her filter an left the string hanging out of the filter box. The water started wicking down the string and wetting the floor. I would say about a cup of water had dripped on the floor before it went off. I can handle that.
Anyhow, Oceanic gave me like 500 bucks to cover my expenses. But, I was never told about a faulty sealant. I thought I was like the one in thousand that might spring a leak. Here you have a case with a faulty product. It was the week from hell too. I think the first night I worked 20 hrs straight on getting things saved. That's the stuff you can't put a price on. Not to mention the stinch from the empty tank setting there till my new one showed up. I finally took it outside with the help of a few friends. That algae really can get funky. If you had any radical changes you wanted to make to your set up. Nows the time. If you don't have those Durso stand pipes make you a set they are great.

tony detroit

Active Member
I have standpipes. I've made a couple mods. I ordered 2 seaswirls, and am pricing out new skimmers.
Looking at the deltec and H and S recirc skimmers. 4 figures, ouch.


Now I'm paranoid... Is there any way to make sure that the same thing doesn't happen to my tank??? I have the exact same tank, but I got mine in 2001.... Were there any warning signs??

tony detroit

Active Member
Yeah, 6 a.m. there was a stream of water coming out the one end.
Warning sign: hearing the pump running wide open in the other room.


Jeebus... That may cause me to jump off my balcony...
My silicone doesn't chip or seem brittle, but my tangs bite at it when they are grazing.
I wonder if there is a sealer that I can use as a preventative measure. It seems well worth it...
Anyone know of any brands I could use to re-seal my seams without removing all of the water and corals/fish???

tony detroit

Active Member
Not likely to properly seal. Anything that would cure underwater would most likely form a protective film around it as soon as it touched the water and would render it useless for leak protection.


New Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
If it's eating through you'll most likely see salt creep spots.

:thinking: No I don't see any salt thankgoodness