My 1st 'Nano' Tank: 28G JBJ CF-QUAD Diary


Haven't decided yet...Some type of goby or blenny...I like the tailspot blenny but dont know...any suggestions?
For some reason I cant 'POST NEW TOPICS' anymore. When I try to post a new topic, it gives me a blank page.
What's up with this??


New Member
Hey guys I am just starting my 28g JBJ PC setup to. You guys are alot farther along than I am so hope you don't mind if I steal some of your ideas. I am realy interested in your guys upgrade's to the cubes. Let me know how they turn out.


HAHA hopefully I will have the lights done by the weekend...Hockey Playoffs are interfering with my building time! Tanner thats weird why you cant post a new topic! Dont know for my fish I might get another clown and hope for a pairing!
Originally Posted by HV1980
Hey guys I am just starting my 28g JBJ PC setup to. You guys are alot farther along than I am so hope you don't mind if I steal some of your ideas. I am realy interested in your guys upgrade's to the cubes. Let me know how they turn out.
Hey bro. That's cool! I hope you get some great ideas for your tank. I just ordered upgraded return pumps (MaxiJet 1200 - or 300 gph) in order to turn over my water more. The stock pumps just arent cutting the mustard if you know what I mean. I have an EcoTech Marine Vortech MP10 pump for optimal circulation. I also got a AquaC Remora HOB protei skimmer. I will also be adding my nanocustoms LED retro kit for my lighting. I have invested quite a bit of money in my tank but I want the best. Need advice? Just ask!
Originally Posted by HV1980
Hey how did you setup your Remora protien skimmer.
What do you mean? I placed it in the back of my tank where the middle chamber is. I have the pump right in the top slot and the outflow pours into the right chamber. It works perfectly back there.
That skimmer has made my tank pristine all around. It's magical


New Member
Rofl sorry about the confusion but I should have asked it this way. Where did you setup your pump but you answered it. I just got a HQI JBJ hood from ----. Did some quick mods (replaced the LED's and put in my glassplastic covers over lights) and just got some SPS in there. I can post a pick if you want so we can compare tanks.
Hello ladies and gentlemen!
I am back with some new critters in my tank!
I am 2 and 1/2 months into my nano reef and I must say that everything is going perfectly! My corals and fish are happy and doing great!
I ave added some new critters to my tank so I would like you all to check'em out and let me know what you think!
Critter list: just added
Green Staghorn. Fiji Maricultured, Acropora austera , 3.5 INCHES
Black Splotch Edged Mantle. Farm Raised, Tridacna maxima , 2.5 INCHES
Super Color Zoanthids-Fiji, Zoanthus
(purchased from ***************.com)
The Acropora is beautiful! I gordious maricultured coral from Fiji.
The clam is beautiful. It looks like a tiger stripped coloration.
The zoos are also beautiful and bigger than I expected.
Enjoy the pics!
Here are the colored Zoos from Fiji. A real colorful assortment.

Here is my Staghorn Acropora Maricultured coral from Fiji. A beautiful addition to my tank!

Here is my clam. Tank raised maxima gold and black trimmed mantel. Awesome clam!

By the way, my bicolor angel never ever nips at the clam or corals. He's just interested in his algae, flake food and mysis shrimp! He's been a really great addition to my tank and so have the black and white ocellaris clowns!
Yes I know the algae problem at the bottom of my tank is not pretty but it is clearing up quickly! I was worse and I have no idea why. My parameters are excellent
Temp: 80
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrites: 0ppm
Nitrates: 0ppm
Phosphates: 0ppm
It's a type of cyano film algae with air bubles trapped within the algae itself that just takes time and time is solution indeed I do believe. (it's not bubble algae)


Your tank is coming along great :D I'll be tagging along to watch your progess!
Btw, I love your clowns, they are pretty awesome
my tank is still maturing so it will look better as time goes but its going well so far.
the clowns are my favorite clowns. the black and white colors are different as opposed to the orange.


Originally Posted by tannersmith200
my tank is still maturing so it will look better as time goes but its going well so far.
the clowns are my favorite clowns. the black and white colors are different as opposed to the orange.
It's always interesting to look back and see how far your tank has come, and personally, I like to watch other people's tanks be transformed into something amazing, and watching all the steps along the way :)
I can tell your tank is going to be pretty awesome already
I too love B&W clowns, right now I have 2 orange ocellaris ones, but soon I plan on getting 1 B&W ocellaris and 1 regular one and hope they host a frogspawn