my 1st salt water aquarium...


New Member
THis is my 1st salt water tank...its a 30 gallon already has sand and 35 lbs of live rock...water tests came out good...but i was just wondering does a salt water tank need air bubbles in the tank like a fresh water needs or not?


No. Air bubbles are bad for Marine aquariums. Anything you place in the tank should be free of air bubbles. For example when you are puting you rock in you should turn it all around under water to makesure all the air pockets are released. Good luck with your tank


Presuming you're talking about an airstone, most people agree that you shouldn't use one. You can do a search, but the consensus seems to be that they cause salt creep (when the bubbles burst, they leave deposits of salt on your glass that you don't get with fresh water), they act as a protein skimmer except that the foam is now just sitting in your tank, and that if the bubbles are small enough, they can be harmful to your fish. I know some people will disagree about if they are harmful, but you certainly don't NEED one like you do in a freshwater.
Oh, and welcome!


Originally Posted by amandastp
No. Air bubbles are bad for Marine aquariums. Anything you place in the tank should be free of air bubbles. For example when you are puting you rock in you should turn it all around under water to makesure all the air pockets are released. Good luck with your tank
Got a question for ya. In a protein skimmer all it does is produce a ton of air bubbles to create the foam in the skimmer. Are you saying thats bad too? I do agree on the air stone, not to have one that is.


Active Member
the airbubbles created in a skimmer shouldnt make it out of the skimmer.
in marine fish small air bubbles can intrude the fishes gilles and actually suffercate them.
i like the koralias myself.i have 4 #4's in my 225
on a 30 i would get 2 #1's or #2's one on each end.


i like the koralias myself.i have 4 #4's in my 225
on a 30 i would get 2 #1's or #2's one on each end.
This is because you havent tried the VorTech


If you do not have a skimmer on your tank you can make your HOB filter waterfall an inch or so from the top of the tank water level to produce bubbles. The effect will act the same way an air stone would and introduce oxygen to the tank. Aiming a power head towards the surface of the water for agitation will also work. I have run air stones on my saltwater tanks, but not for extended periods of time.


Active Member
yea bulldog i havnt.i can buy 10 koralias to one vortec.
but in about 18-24 months i am building a home and plan on a 540 gallon 10 foot tank and i dont think the koralias will cut it so i will probably get a couple vortecs with a battery back up.
i dont think you need to surface aggitate if you run a sump.
all that water movement splashing the water will create plenty of oxygen in the tank.although i like to have some ripple on the surface .
estecially with the mh bulbs it creates an awesome shimmer in the tank.