My 2 months old tank, what do you think of it?


Active Member
Looks good but slow down a little. That's a lot of fish and coral for 2 month period. Money fortuanetly keeps me to one addition every other week. Just my 2 cents. Looks good. What kind of lights do you have?


Active Member
Looks good so far, but like said the tank is still very new, slow down a little, won't run as much of a risk for tank crashing all of the sudden.

Originally Posted by ric maniac
it looks amazing! i would slow down as well so you dont have more coral than me

My wife pretty much let me spend about $100 per week. And I just love coral
Originally Posted by skipperdz
i like the CBS but where are his claws...did he lose them? or can you not see them in the pic?
Good eyes! He lost them when I move him from a 20Gal tank to the 65 Gal. Within a few days from that picture he molded and got BOTH of them back.


Active Member
The Yellow Tang may get a little stressed, might want to re-arrange the LR and make it "Race tack" style


nice tank .... mine is six week and i have only one fish and one coral .... your tank had alot algua .... clean them away
love your maroon ....


Active Member
That's a lot of fish and coral for 2 month period.

you dont have to slow down adding corals.. you can add as many as you want at a time as long as your parameters are good... corals wont efeect your levels as far as trates, trites etc..
also call me crazy but i only see a yellow tang, a clown, and two damsels
thats 4 fish(3 small) in two months...
i think hes fine for now


Active Member
Looks good so far. I do agree with others that you should slow down a little before adding more livestock. Also, you should add a blue or black background...will make it look a lot better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
you dont have to slow down adding corals.. you can add as many as you want at a time as long as your parameters are good... corals wont efeect your levels as far as trates, trites etc..
They will if he thinks he needs to feed them.....


Active Member
They will if he thinks he needs to feed them.....
i dont see any corals there that he "has to" feed(clown will take care of the anemone) it still wont effect your levels unless your overfeeding..


if the tank does crash he will be glad he did slow down. i started fast also but came to my senses, i dont wanna lose more than i already invested so i will see if this works before adding more money into it in livestock.
Originally Posted by chattown clown
The yellow gorgonian might get too much light there on top.
I was told that light will not effect them at all. Is that true? Do I need to move it down to the lower level?