Originally Posted by redman1221 http:///forum/post/2570329
Thanks they are in QT right now, I don't want to take any chances.
That's a great. I love Naso's, My favorite tang by far. If I may ask. Why the yellow mimic over, well I guess the other yellow tang.
Originally Posted by cracker4418 http:///forum/post/2570377
That's a great. I love Naso's, My favorite tang by far. If I may ask. Why the yellow mimic over, well I guess the other yellow tang.
What do you mean by why the yellow mimic, well I guess the other yellow tang, I don't understand.
Originally Posted by cracker4418 http:///forum/post/2570415
There are 2 different types of yellow tangs. what made you choose one over the other.
Because everyone has a yellow tang, I wanted the yellow mimic tang because not to many people that I have seen have this tang and plus it changes from yellow mimic to a choclate tang[ I think thats how you spell it] which I always loved. If I am wrong on the spelling let me know.
I love the mimic. I plan on getting on also after my 240g jas been going for awhile. We don't see them around here very often. Did you have to order yours or do ya'll have them often?
Originally Posted by mcbdz http:///forum/post/2570772
I love the mimic. I plan on getting on also after my 240g jas been going for awhile. We don't see them around here very often. Did you have to order yours or do ya'll have them often?
My LFS don't get them in too often so when I saw this one I had to have it. They had 2 in, the one I got was the smallest of the 2. Good luck on finding one when your tank is ready, try online there are sites that have them every now and then.
Just wondering.. how come you have lr and ls in your qt?
Because it was set up as my reef tank but I moved all of my fish and some of the rocks to my 125g. So I was going to sell this tank but it don't look like anybody wants to buy it, so I just made it into a QT but I didn't take any sand out yet or what is left of the rocks. I don't care if anything happens to the rocks in sand in this tank its just going to hold my new fish until I know they don't have any thing on them.