My 210 Gallon project


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A couple of months ago, I got a new tank and had to move my 210 into my office. These are some pictures that I have taken along the way. The move turned out to be a little bigger project than expected. The tank had been previously been plumbed into the basement, so I had a new stand built to hold an 80 gallon sump/refugium which didn't leave much room for the other filtration and chiller needs I had. I also had him make what we called a plant stand (photo 2), to house the additional components. The third picture is of the sump/refugium with just enought room to get the skimmer under the cabinent. The 4th pictures shows the equipment the plant stand hides. Chiller, mechanical, chemical, UV, calcium reactor, and sand filter. 5th photo show the leaky skimmer running.

Two and a half months later all seems to be going well..more to follow.



Active Member
The next shot shows the refugium section coming along nicely. Finally some shots of the tank up and running. The closeups were to large to post so will have to upload at a later time. Everyone seems to be happy and doing well.



Active Member
Goodwin...I hope you are an aquarium manufacturer/inventer/setter upper/whatever, because if you're not...You are definately missing your calling.....What can I say....jelousy has now turned to reverance. awesome, awesome, awesome.....


Active Member

Originally Posted by sleasia
Goodwin...I hope you are an aquarium manufacturer/inventer/setter upper/whatever, because if you're not...You are definately missing your calling.....What can I say....jelousy has now turned to reverance. awesome, awesome, awesome.....
Gosh, I wish I could lay claim to at least one of those, but I can't. I'm just lucky to know good people who wear those titles. I'm just the banker and admirer of their work and fish.



Originally Posted by goodwin9
Gosh, I wish I could lay claim to at least one of those, but I can't. I'm just lucky to know good people who wear those titles. I'm just the banker and admirer of their work and fish.

wow can you send them my way? That is gorgeous. You should be very proud.
I have a 125 in the basement but it's all cichlids. I'm debating on turning it
into a reef instead but I can't decide as I've had the cichlids for years.
I have a 75 gallon saltwater upstairs and it's gorgeous. I'm thinking of
adding coral to it with of course a new light set up. Do you have suggestions
on that? I do have a fish guy from a saltwater store here but I love hearing
ideas from other people. That is just so awesome. Can you list your fish
you have???


Dude, go saltwater on that baby, there is nothing like it, Fresh and Salt aren't even a close comparison


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanBreez
wow can you send them my way? That is gorgeous. You should be very proud.
I have a 125 in the basement but it's all cichlids. I'm debating on turning it
into a reef instead but I can't decide as I've had the cichlids for years.
I have a 75 gallon saltwater upstairs and it's gorgeous. I'm thinking of
adding coral to it with of course a new light set up. Do you have suggestions
on that? I do have a fish guy from a saltwater store here but I love hearing
ideas from other people. That is just so awesome. Can you list your fish
you have???

I happen to have a 125 with cichlids also. One thing I can say about the tank is that it is colorful and certainly doesn't take the time, work, and effort my salt tanks do. One thing you might want to consider in you decision is the depth of the 125, 18" isn't a lot of room to work with for the live rock and still have plenty of swimming room in my opinion. On the other hand, maybe you should switch your tanks around.. Not a very good picture, but thought that I would show you my 125 cichlids


Just one word goodwin "WOW", and I use that for all of your tanks especially the 410, is that right?...And you have a 210 at work....hummmmm someone is making us jealous.....ARGHH!!!!!!!! Just love to see all your beautiful tanks...Keep it up, wait what's next 10000gl shark tank
:joy: :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Just one word goodwin "WOW", and I use that for all of your tanks especially the 410, is that right?...And you have a 210 at work....hummmmm someone is making us jealous.....ARGHH!!!!!!!! Just love to see all your beautiful tanks...Keep it up, wait what's next 10000gl shark tank
:joy: :happyfish
Thank you for the compliments. 2 Projects in the works for next week. I am redoing my 125 fish only tank. I am having the person who built my 470 build a custom stand which will house my new 60 gal sump/refugium, chiller, mechanical, chemical, sand filter, UV and skimmer. Old sump was a pro clear 75 which just wasn't cutting it. Can hardly wait to see how he is going to fit it all in the stand. The canisters are lifeguard 19" models.
He is also delivering a coral/frag tank. This should be intersting. He took my ideas for the tank and improved on them. It will have it's own sump/refugium with a skimmer & 2 pumps built right into the tank. No external plumbing! Total tank gallons will be about 80 with the sump/refugium section.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Just one word goodwin "WOW", and I use that for all of your tanks especially the 410, is that right?...And you have a 210 at work....hummmmm someone is making us jealous.....ARGHH!!!!!!!! Just love to see all your beautiful tanks...Keep it up, wait what's next 10000gl shark tank
:joy: :happyfish
Just finished setting up the new coral tank, you can view it here:


Active Member
your crazzy, i know i asked this before but never got an answer, just asking what do you do for a living.
and it takes a man to admit that your the banker i got a chuckle out of it.


Active Member
didnt order yet. waiting till next weekend cause i am getting other items all at once. you know how it goes.


Active Member
A few pictures with just the atinics. Tried to paste them together with no luck.
Left side


Right side