My 210 Pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
Can you get some more pics of your filters? The tall white ones. I am thinking of buying them. How do you like them? I am interested in seeing how you plumbed them in.
The 3 Lifeguards are connected in line. Love them. Mechanical & chemical are very easy to change. The cartridges can be cleaned and reused over & over. These are the 19" models. The UV is 40 watt.
Seprate pump in the sump sends water through the 3 canisters and then goes both to the sand filter and chiller and then back in the tank through one of the returns.



Active Member
Originally Posted by oxbeard
The cabinets look great. I was wondering how you went about hiding the Lifeguard setup.
Yeah, I love the lifequard system. Wish I had had my tank drilled so I could run that. I know I could probably use a HOB overflow, but not really wanting to try it without a drilled tank. Of course if all goes as planned, we'll have a 240 or so this time next year and it will be drilled.
My LFS has the commercial version of the Lifeguard system and I have found myself checking out that more than the fish on my last few trips.

The filtration canisters, sand filter, & chiller are located under the "plant stand, (minus the plants) located to the left of the tank. (in the above picture) I wanted a large sump/refugium that took up a lot of room under the tank, and also wanted the 19" models, so moved them under this little stand. Works pretty good.


Awesome! Thanks for those pics! Do you think I should get the same filters you have (3 Lifeguards, and sand) for my 240? Or will an ASM G4 and refugium be enough?


New Member
What is your investment in just the equipment tank, filtration system, sump/refuge tank. everything except tank contents??? dieing to know!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dalesia
What is your investment in just the equipment tank, filtration system, sump/refuge tank. everything except tank contents??? dieing to know!!!
Do you really want to know? I'll lookl things up and try to post total
I can tell you that I spent $8000. for my 470 gallon pictured below. That included tank, stand, canopy, lighting, sump/refugium, filtration components, pumps & chiller. Does not include LR, sand, or livestock. Credit card statement in front of me, OUCH! It's going ot take a while to pay this one off....


Active Member
A few pictures with just the atinics. Tried to paste them together with no luck.
Left side


Right side


What coral is that almost center on the last pic neon green in color? It looks like a bunch of Ricordia? Tank looks great, I've been going through your threads for a good hour checking out all your tanks, they are all pieces of genious!


Active Member
Just needed another tank to fill the void huh...Awesome as usuall
....Didn't see him on the list, but looked like a juvi Sohal behind the Sailfin in the left side pic??
Rock Chalk.


nice tanks! looks a little confusing to me the pump deals in the 3rd pic on the top.
was setting up your sump and refguim easy? i just got a 50 gallon sump today i was gonna hook it up to my 140 but the whole sump thing seems so confusing to me. you dont need bio balls in it?
sick looking tank though
whats that huge coral right in the middle of your big tank ??


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Just needed another tank to fill the void huh...Awesome as usuall
....Didn't see him on the list, but looked like a juvi Sohal behind the Sailfin in the left side pic??
Rock Chalk.
I guess that I should update the stock list in this tank. I see it has been a while. There is a Sohal in the tank which was originally purchased for the 600. It got harrassed so much that I pulled him and put it in this tank where it gets along with everyone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cafero702
nice tanks! looks a little confusing to me the pump deals in the 3rd pic on the top.
was setting up your sump and refguim easy? i just got a 50 gallon sump today i was gonna hook it up to my 140 but the whole sump thing seems so confusing to me. you dont need bio balls in it?
sick looking tank though
whats that huge coral right in the middle of your big tank ??
I don't use bio balls in my sumps, instead there are foam pads. Here is what the manufacture of my sump/refugium has to say about the foam.
"Wet/Dry Biological Section with drip plate and our engineered reticulated filtration foam media. This media is a 20ppi filtration foam specifically designed for filtration. It has a far superior surface area and filtration characteristics over bioballs and similar medias. The reticulated (open pore) structure allows for smooth water flow and saturation, providing the perfect substrate for aerobic bacteria and bacterial filtration. Very resilient, stays flexible, will not collapse even after years and years of service."
I have six of these sump/refugiums of this design and I have never had to change, or clean this foam. I am very happy with it.
The large coral in the center is a Colt coral which is growing into a tree......


i want to switch over to the sump i think it will help my nitrates i have a 140g i did a 30g waterchange 2 weeks ago and they bearly went down and i just got done doing a 40g waterchange and they didnt go don at all there at like 80 ! what is my poblem??
i have clean filters a uv staralizer superskimmer pro all my other parameters are perfect except nitrates i have a clean up crew now excess food or fish poo in my tank my tank is very clean. and i have macro algae in my tank.
any suggestions lol????


Active Member
Originally Posted by kaingers
What coral is that almost center on the last pic neon green in color? It looks like a bunch of Ricordia? Tank looks great, I've been going through your threads for a good hour checking out all your tanks, they are all pieces of genious!

Thank you, I wish that I could take all of the credit for the tanks. Got a lot of help from a lot of people in setting up, and helping maintain all of the tanks. I can tell you that there are days that I wish all I had was the little 12 gallon nano. If it's not one thing, then it's another, always treaking of the system going on. Makes life interesting I guess.
I'll take some pictures tomorrow of the corals you mentioned with all of the lights on, by then, I should be able to remember their names????


Active Member
Originally Posted by cafero702
i want to switch over to the sump i think it will help my nitrates i have a 140g i did a 30g waterchange 2 weeks ago and they bearly went down and i just got done doing a 40g waterchange and they didnt go don at all there at like 80 ! what is my poblem??
i have clean filters a uv staralizer superskimmer pro all my other parameters are perfect except nitrates i have a clean up crew now excess food or fish poo in my tank my tank is very clean. and i have macro algae in my tank.
any suggestions lol????
I am not the person to ask. I have been fighting Nitrates for ever.Today, all of my tanks, with the exception of my 600 tested 50 for Nitrates. Like you, my other parameters are pretty good, it's just the Nitrates...In my case, I am pretty sure that it is due to my stocking levels and the amount of food I feed each tank. I am trying out some ALGONE denitifier pouches, but so far, have not been real happy with the results. If they don't work, I may take a look at a denitrifer reactor of some sorts for my larger tanks.
My suggestion for you is to try and cut back on feeding and see if that helps


Originally Posted by goodwin9
I am not the person to ask. I have been fighting Nitrates for ever.Today, all of my tanks, with the exception of my 600 tested 50 for Nitrates. Like you, my other parameters are pretty good, it's just the Nitrates...In my case, I am pretty sure that it is due to my stocking levels and the amount of food I feed each tank. I am trying out some ALGONE denitifier pouches, but so far, have not been real happy with the results. If they don't work, I may take a look at a denitrifer reactor of some sorts for my larger tanks.
My suggestion for you is to try and cut back on feeding and see if that helps
ok ill try that but the way my nitrates have been reading im going to have to do a 40g waterchange every week lol
those denitifier pouches arent doing much though??
and whats the companys name you get your sumps from do they have a website??


Active Member
Originally Posted by cafero702
ok ill try that but the way my nitrates have been reading im going to have to do a 40g waterchange every week lol
those denitifier pouches arent doing much though??
and whats the companys name you get your sumps from do they have a website??
They haven't caused the drop I expected to see. I have them floating in the pump sections of the sumps and I am wondering if they just don't get water flowing through them. The next batch I try, I am going to put them in the drip trays in the sumps and see if that makes any difference.
My sump/refugiums were made by The Aquarium Company in Winthrop, MN. I see that they are selling them on ---- along with the foam. Do an advanced seach on ---- for seller AQUACO and you should be able to find them. A link to his website is located at the bottom of my home page.