My 24 Gal Eco-Cube


Just got this guy in yesterday and starting to test out its systems. The light is a 150watt HQI MH and is SO bright it lights up half a room it seems.
I want to know what you guys think about keeping the built in Bio-balls or if I should just remove those and replace it with chemi-pure.



Active Member
Tank is looking super!!!!
and i must say its amazing! about the bioballs i wouldnt keep them cause they trap nitrates!!!! and we dont want that
lets see what other reefers say.


I use an RO/Double DI filter on my water but has anyone used a product called Nov-Aqua to treat their water "just in case" for chloramine or chlorine? It also claims to have a virus and bacterial inhibitor in the mix.
Ps. This is my tank room so please excuse the mess, the many tanks you might see around me and my unkempt work bench lol.
I keep a multitude of fish. Fresh, Brackish and now salt lol.
I have 2, 75 gallon fresh, a 55 in brackish, and a 29 gallon invert tank (mostly various kinds of shrimp)


Ok so I need some advice on what to look for fish wise for this tank. I finally set it up a while ago. Been about 2 weeks now going on three soon.
I want about 4-5 fish that are colorful and compatible. Will have at least one Percula or Osc clown. Advice would be greatly appreciated and is requested!


wont the firefish jump out? the top on this tank has 2 spots on the corners that are fairly large openings that they could leap out
other than that I like it :D


Ok so I'm testing my tank with nothing in it and its pointing to 0 on everything but the nitrates. Did a 5 gallon change and added in some CuC. Blue legged hermits, Nerite snails, Banded Turbo's, a mithrax crab, some nassirus snails.


Originally Posted by Garick
Ok so I'm testing my tank with nothing in it and its pointing to 0 on everything but the nitrates. Did a 5 gallon change and added in some CuC. Blue legged hermits, Nerite snails, Banded Turbo's, a mithrax crab, some nassirus snails.
YAYYYY....Do you have any new pics with the rock and stuff?


Not quite yet. Working on it though. Any more advice on some fish to go in it. I figure in about a week and a half I will be ready for fish.
I will be going with some clowns. Probably Osc. Since they seem to be more hardy than the percs.
I wanted to ask everyone's advice on what could go in before the clowns that would do OK and get along.
I plan on putting the osc's in last, but want to start fish in about a week and a half.


Active Member
a bicolor or tailspot blenny will be nice, 2 chromis or maybe 3, a yellow watchman goby, and the 2 clowns


Ok so I have finally gotten a list. Let me know what you think.
1. 2 oscellaris
2. 1 Royal Gramma
3. 2 Bangi Cardinals
4. 1 Fire shrimp
5. 1 Cleaner Shrimp
6. 1 Jawfish
Would you go with Grape Algae (calupera) or Red algae(Gracliara) I plan on removing the floss and ontop of the Chempiure, I will put the algae and the water should run DOWN across the algae into the chemipure. Ontop of that will be the LED AZOO mini light with 4watts. Blue and white LED's running 24/7.
Going in separately of course and over period of month or better.
It runs an overflow system with 3 11oz bags of Chemipure elite, a skimmer, floss, and shortly it will have macro algae with an AZOO mini light on the back possibly with rubble.
The tank itself has 25 lbs of fiji cured. Live sand, and I swear the tank has so many pods that you can't see to well into the tank. It has been up 3 weeks with a cuc and by the time my first fish would arrive, it would be easily 4 weeks.

aquapod 24

that seems wayy overstocked for a 24gallon IMO
why not 1 or 2 clowns, 1 cardinal, and 1 royal gramma?
i think jawfish need a deep sandbed but im not sure


I would say that is one too many fish as well. The general rule of thumb is 1-2 gallons of water per 1 inch of fish. So, I see how long my fish will get at max size and then allow 5 extra gallons just to be safe. Too many fish means a lot of ammonia. Also, your clowns may harass your bangis so be careful. I would get rid of them and keep the clowns and jawfish and get another nano fish like a chromis.


Isn't the Royal Gramma a chromi?
If so won't it fight with another chromi?
How about replacing the bangi with a CENTROPYGE HERALDI


A Royal Gamma is a basslet I believe. RG's are very peaceful. If your clown are mated pairs, anything you keep in a 24 is going to be subjected to their harassment so just be careful what you chose.