My 24 Gallon and 14 Gallon JBJ Nano's ... Pictures!


This is what you get when you return your 29 Gallon BioCube due to a crack in the tank.
A 24 gallon JBJ Nano and a 14 Gallon JBJ Nano.
The 24 gallon replaced my 1 year old 25 gallon office tank and the 14 is on its Second week of cycling.



FYI/DISCLOSURE: The Mandarin in the picture has been in the tank for a year and was in my 100 gallon for 8 months prior and is in superb health... I have billions of pods in the tank, well not billions, but he eats a lot and is very, very, fat.
I do not support putting these creatures in nano tanks, I am just one of the lucky winners to be blessed with lots of pods having lots of pod ---.



Gorgeous tank! :cheer:
What are the red things at the top and at the bottom left of the tank? I like the way they look.


Thanks Guys...
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
Gorgeous tank! :cheer:
What are the red things at the top and at the bottom left of the tank? I like the way they look.

It is some form of Algae Plant. I really have no Idea what it is exactly. I bought a small frag from my LFS and it grew very well in a matter of weeks. It can be fraged by ripping pieces off and it will reattach to rocks in a weeks time if you tie them up or set a rock on top of it.
The cool part is my clowns use it as an anemone. They play in it all the time and sleep in it too.


Active Member
2 nanos in your office?
i tke it you almost live there?
so i bet ppl come to your office to check the tnks out
So heres the REAL question...
Working hard or hardly working?


Originally Posted by bill109
2 nanos in your office?
i tke it you almost live there?
so i bet ppl come to your office to check the tnks out
So heres the REAL question...
Working hard or hardly working?
Some days I do get distracted and stair at the tanks a little to long. Some office members stop in just to look at the fish. I also have a 30 gallon African Cichlid tank in the front lobby.
I do practically live at the office. My usual day is 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and 4 hours on the weekend... That is why I have the tanks in the office.
Luckily my wife works for our company and can bring the baby to the office, so I do get to spend time with them even thought I am stuck at the office for umpteen hours... (That is my wifes office space off to the right of the divider behind my tank.)


Great looking tanks and your baby is very cute too. Does the Mandarin is in the 14 or 24 gallon tank? I know you mentioned that the Mandarin eats pods but am curious if you feed anything else. I have a 29 gallon and I would really like to have a Mandarin but I have been told many times that it would starve.
The aquascape in both tanks is super nice, it looks clean.


Originally Posted by blueram
Great looking tanks and your baby is very cute too. Does the Mandarin is in the 14 or 24 gallon tank? I know you mentioned that the Mandarin eats pods but am curious if you feed anything else. I have a 29 gallon and I would really like to have a Mandarin but I have been told many times that it would starve.
The aquascape in both tanks is super nice, it looks clean.
The Mandarin is in the 24... It only eats the Pods from what I can see... When I had the tank first set up, I waited a long time before I placed any fish in the tank and after a while I could sit and count hundreds of Pods all over the tank. So I placed the Mandarin in the tank and it started to get fatter and the pods were/are still highly visible. I'm not sure what I have that is keeping them producing like mad.
Originally Posted by kmc

cool looking tanks. What is the blue/green looking thing on the sand in the 24?
That is a Green Long Tentacle Plate Coral. It actually gets a lot larger than it is in the pictures. My corals are still getting acclimated to the changes.