My 24 Gallon and 14 Gallon JBJ Nano's ... Pictures!


Active Member
Originally Posted by whyamisofl
amazing looking clowns, THANKS!
i agree they look so good as if they are fake.
btw tht rred algea stuff is AWESOME!! how do i get some?
anyways how many watts of pc i assume you run on tht 12 gallon?


That's really cool that your clowns are hosting the red algae! They are very cute! I like your mandarin too!


Active Member
Nice jobs. :cheer:
I'm worried about the long term reproductivity of the pods in the 24g with the mandarin....
I know you'll keep an eye on her.

I have a 24 in my office too.


Active Member
A quick question about the tank. Is it glass or acrylic? This is going to be my next tank and I don't really want acrylic.
Your tank is looking great! Keep us updated.


Originally Posted by bill109
i agree they look so good as if they are fake.
btw tht rred algea stuff is AWESOME!! how do i get some?
anyways how many watts of pc i assume you run on tht 12 gallon?
72Watts of PC on both tanks.
Originally Posted by DeMartini
your tanks looks fantastic!
your little girl is so tiny and adorable! what's her name?
Onika Fae and she is 8 months old on Valentines Day.
Originally Posted by Catawaba

Nice jobs. :cheer:
I'm worried about the long term reproductivity of the pods in the 24g with the mandarin....
I know you'll keep an eye on her.

I have a 24 in my office too.
So far, there are tons of Pods, but if I do notice any change in the Pods or the Mandarin, I will take her out of the tank. I have some friends with larger systems I can transfer her to. I have had her too long to loose her now.
Originally Posted by Schadiest1

A quick question about the tank. Is it glass or acrylic? This is going to be my next tank and I don't really want acrylic.
Your tank is looking great! Keep us updated.
The tank is glass. It seems to be fairly thick glass for a Nano, but I’m not too sure what that thickness is.I am still very careful when using the magfloat, because these can still be scratched if your not too careful.



Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
I was able to google some info on rhodophyta and I think I came up with the type of algae it is (which I'm happy about because I really, really want some of it for my tank!). It looks like it's porphyra .

I think you and Coach are both correct. It seems very close to the picture of Porphyra
... A type of rhodophyta...


Originally Posted by SeR_Cyclops
where can you order this at?
Not sure. My wife bought mine last year for Valentines day from our Local Fish Store.


I would like to buy a Manderin, and I had a quick question. What exactly are pods, I'm new to the fish hobby and do not want to stick fish in my tank that do not belong. I have a 29g bio cube with about 40 lbs of beautiful live rock. I have no life except a hitchhiker baby feather duster from a LR and some worms that also came with my LR. Please advise, I love the manderin and your tanks look great!


i really like your rock work. The best I have seen so far in a 24gal. It looks very natural. Also there is plenty space for placement of corals without having to chnage the rock work. Absolutely beautiful.


for those of you who doesnt live near the guessing? You can find those red algae lying everywhere around here at the shore if you ever in malibu california. I see them everywhere. You can see them lying around drifted onto the sand.