My 24 gallon nano!!(tons of pics)


okay, so here it is! sorry to those who have already some of these pics
inhabitents had for-
2 sunset clowns(8 months)
1 unidentified hitchhiking crab(9 months)
1 brittlestar,green, no pics (4 months)
frogspawn(3 months)
acan echinata(1 month)
star polyps(6 months)
2 mushroom colonies, 1 red, 1 green fuzzy(7 months)
unidentified coral, possibly goniapora(9 months)
1 colony of zoas(3 months)



I like your brain coral. It looks really nice. awesome pictures!!!! Do you have the JBJ nano or the aquapod? Are you going to mod the lightings or is it already modded?


Thanks all for the feedback!
I got the system last winter ( near christmass), and it only says:nano cube 24. I am guessing non-jbj. This is the stock lighting, too.I have'nt even changed the bulbs
However, i really want to mod the lights in to that new HIQ set-up. However, I think my corals are adjusted to this lighting, so I am hesitent to change the lighting. I am planning to set up another, larger reef when I get the money, and if I do, I will probibly look in to metal halides. BTW, how much does it cost to run metal halides, for a 40-50 gallon reef?


Originally Posted by BLB9
Thanks all for the feedback!
I got the system last winter ( near christmass), and it only says:nano cube 24. I am guessing non-jbj. This is the stock lighting, too.I have'nt even changed the bulbs
However, i really want to mod the lights in to that new HIQ set-up. However, I think my corals are adjusted to this lighting, so I am hesitent to change the lighting. I am planning to set up another, larger reef when I get the money, and if I do, I will probibly look in to metal halides. BTW, how much does it cost to run metal halides, for a 40-50 gallon reef?
Im not sure how much it costs to run MH on 40/50gall reef, however I ran 150watts of MH in my 24gal nano but I never checked the electricity bill to check. I think it might of been maybe 20dollars more then the usual electricity bill I pay.


BTW, does anyone know what species that crab is? It doesn't seem to match anything in my invert book. :notsure:


blondie_00, as long as you take it slowly, your tank will look good. I am still working on the hair algea