my 249L reef


did you or do you have problems with your carpet moving and burning anything.. I haven't gotton one because I am afraid of that



Originally posted by memole
did you or do you have problems with your carpet moving and burning anything.. I haven't gotton one because I am afraid of that

I did not have any problem, but the carpet once you put it in the tank it will not stay at the same spot that you choose, it will find a spot then it will stay forever at that spot. So far that what is happinning with my carpets.
Note: it will eat the died or sick fish.
thank you :)


Active Member
Wow, that is a packed tank. I am surprised you do not have nitrate problems.
Beautiful fish and inverts, regardless!
Did you ever consider adding some Marc Weiss' Coral Vital though to kick start the growth of some nice coralline algae? That will definitely make your tank look as nice as it should with the beautiful inhabitants you have in there. Your rocks will look fantastic, especially because you have good lights (I assume with the anemones). I have average lights on my fish only tank and the coral vital really made my rockwork look beautiful... just a suggestion.



Originally posted by lion_crazz
Wow, that is a packed tank. I am surprised you do not have nitrate problems.
Beautiful fish and inverts, regardless!
Did you ever consider adding some Marc Weiss' Coral Vital though to kick start the growth of some nice coralline algae? That will definitely make your tank look as nice as it should with the beautiful inhabitants you have in there. Your rocks will look fantastic, especially because you have good lights (I assume with the anemones). I have average lights on my fish only tank and the coral vital really made my rockwork look beautiful... just a suggestion.

Thank you for that suggestion.


i like ur setup a lot, but you have to do something about that lighting, it makes the colors in your tank look very dull



Originally posted by lion_crazz
I think everyone is getting confused. It is not 249 gallons, it is 249 litres, which is 62 gallons.

It is 249 Liters, which is 62 gallons



Originally posted by Thejdshow
haha a damsel lover. how are they treating your other fish?

they are doing fine.


Active Member

Originally posted by masaleh
It is 249 Liters, which is 62 gallons

Yep, I was just clarifying it for salty chee and G-Dude who both thought you had a 249 gallon tank.