What's CC mean? Sorry not sure about all the abbreviations yet. Tanks specs are 28 gallon JBJ Nano cube, JBJ skimmer, and two additional powerheads in tank along with what came with it. Two B&W percula clowns, one cleaner shrimp, 6 hermits, and quite a few snails (ceriths, nass, turbos), frogspawn, Kenya tree, zoanthids and mushrooms. Hoping to get a bicolor Blenny and maybe a purple firefish but undecided if I should have 4 fish in this size tank because I would like to add a few more corals. Planning on doing a mod on a 70 Aquaclear filter and making it a refugium with chaeto in it. I have the filter just haven't modified yet. I also have an asterina star and a couple of bristle worms in there that I spotted.