My 28 Gallon


What's CC mean? Sorry not sure about all the abbreviations yet. Tanks specs are 28 gallon JBJ Nano cube, JBJ skimmer, and two additional powerheads in tank along with what came with it. Two B&W percula clowns, one cleaner shrimp, 6 hermits, and quite a few snails (ceriths, nass, turbos), frogspawn, Kenya tree, zoanthids and mushrooms. Hoping to get a bicolor Blenny and maybe a purple firefish but undecided if I should have 4 fish in this size tank because I would like to add a few more corals. Planning on doing a mod on a 70 Aquaclear filter and making it a refugium with chaeto in it. I have the filter just haven't modified yet. I also have an asterina star and a couple of bristle worms in there that I spotted.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
CC= crushed coral don't worry about not knowing the abbreviations you pick them up in time nice stock i like the idea of a bicolour blenny and one more thing i LOVE the kenya tree. Actually, side note would you like me to post a pic of my tank?


Yes, would love to see it. It's not CC, I made a beginners mistake and bought black argonite sand and the black are these bigger grains. The snails don't seem to mind much. They bury themselves and when it's feeding time jump out of that sand. Fun to watch.


Looks good. You have alot more in your tank than I have in mine. Is that chaeto growing in there? Very nice.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
No but we do have chaeto in the sump however. And, it is slightly obvious we would have more in our tank than you it's 155 gallons (including sump capacity) the macro algae is for the two tangs you see in the picture ancanthrus pyroferus and zebramosa flavecems (mimic tang and yellow tang) the mimic tang is GREEDY.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bugsman http:///t/388647/my-28-gallon#post_3428733
What's CC mean? Sorry not sure about all the abbreviations yet. Tanks specs are 28 gallon JBJ Nano cube, JBJ skimmer, and two additional powerheads in tank along with what came with it. Two B&W percula clowns, one cleaner shrimp, 6 hermits, and quite a few snails (ceriths, nass, turbos), frogspawn, Kenya tree, zoanthids and mushrooms. Hoping to get a bicolor Blenny and maybe a purple firefish but undecided if I should have 4 fish in this size tank because I would like to add a few more corals. Planning on doing a mod on a 70 Aquaclear filter and making it a refugium with chaeto in it. I have the filter just haven't modified yet. I also have an asterina star and a couple of bristle worms in there that I spotted.
4 small fish in that tank is fine as long as you keep on top of maintenance.


Wow, that is a big tank. Right now, I can't imagine taking care of a tank that size although since I've just started in May, I have already thought to upgrading to a 55g or 75g. In time, hopefully I will. I do maintenance on my tank every week and little things in between. I think the Tangs are so pretty, but my tank is way to small for them. I'm on this forum at least everyday reading up on things and have learned a lot from here but also realize I have a long way to go on the learning curve. Thanks for the information and advice, it's off to work I go.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Have a good day tangs have always been my favorite fish my favorite subspecies of fish is the Achilles tang powder blue and powder brown tang they are beautiful but normally reserved for the very experienced hobbyist.


I had a small patch of bubble algae in my tank. Went to the LFS and added these cute little guys to my tank. Looks like I need to update a FTS. Will have to do that later on.

I've also started to move out some of the hermit crabs to a smaller tank. They are eating my snails.