My 29 Biocube


Yah... thats what im gonna do. Just wait it out, and tell the petstore that they need to do some tweaking. And filter changes. I can also go to a couple others, theyre just a lil out of the way. I dont really want to start mixing my own water. I dont have that kind of space.
The peppermint shrimp are still alve as well... So thats a good thing.
My levels are:
salt - 1.022
pH - 8.0
Amm - 3
Nitrite - .25
Nitrate - 0
Still bad!!
Thanks for all your help!
And o course im a BADGER FAN!!! And what about those PACKERS!!! WHOO HOO!!!


I am returned...... Everything has been going good.... Except i have added a few things since all my levels were at zero for a few weeks..... The Mushrooms i have arnt very biganymore.. It seems like they are slowely declining..
Heres my levels:
Amm - 0
Nitrite- 0
p.H. - 8.0
Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 500
Salinity - 1.027
ALK (dKh) - 11.2
KH - 161
I cant seem to get the ALK down and the pH up at all.....
Does anybody know how to do this safely???

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
A 29 gallon tank is way to small for a sand sifter star fish. If I were you I'd take it back to the LFS asap.


Originally Posted by madtownman
I am returned...... Everything has been going good.... Except i have added a few things since all my levels were at zero for a few weeks..... The Mushrooms i have arnt very biganymore.. It seems like they are slowely declining..
Heres my levels:
Amm - 0
Nitrite- 0
p.H. - 8.0
Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 500
Salinity - 1.027
ALK (dKh) - 11.2
KH - 161
I cant seem to get the ALK down and the pH up at all.....
Does anybody know how to do this safely???
What kind of salt do you use? Seachem makes a product called Marine buffer? I think, that will maintain your Ph at 8.3 safely. Sometimes, if you just use a higher quality salt, that will take care of it though. Sorry to hear about all of your trouble. Patience is a neccessity in this hobby, or ELSE! Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery though. I am not sure, but I think when your nitrates get that high, it is time for a 10-15% water change. I am not sure though, maybe someone else can shed some light on the subject. I thought nitrates at 5-10, were okay, but any higher ment you needed to do a water change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo2
What kind of salt do you use? Seachem makes a product called Marine buffer? I think, that will maintain your Ph at 8.3 safely. Sometimes, if you just use a higher quality salt, that will take care of it though. Sorry to hear about all of your trouble. Patience is a neccessity in this hobby, or ELSE! Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery though. I am not sure, but I think when your nitrates get that high, it is time for a 10-15% water change. I am not sure though, maybe someone else can shed some light on the subject. I thought nitrates at 5-10, were okay, but any higher ment you needed to do a water change.
Trates arent bad, 0 is a goal but mine have never seen below 15ppm since my tank start. However if they are normally at 0 and you test and get 20 then yea I would say its time for a water change. Buffering your water is the only way your going to get your alk and pH stable. But when are you testing? pH can be that low at your tanks night time cycle or just when the lights turn on. Your calcium is a tad high too lowering your salinity to 1.025 to 1.026 may help this. How are you measuring your salinity hydrometer or refractometer?


I would try the marine buffer. It will help with your PH, you might have to do it twice a week at first and then see if you can do it less often once your tank is established. Dont know how long you have had your tank, but if it is fairly new you will have mini cylces until it settles. Also your cal is at tad high, idealy it should be between 400-450. Just dont rush cause that is when things get out of control.


Thanks for all the input everybody!!! I did a 5 gallon water change yesterday, and the ALK is starting to come down a little... It was at 10, and all the other numbers were the same. The salinity is now at 1.026.
I still currently use a hydrometer, but am planning on getting a refractometer soon.
And my trates have been at 20 for two weeks now, and it seems to be fine.
I added a new ricordia colony yesterday that i got from the LFS for 35 bucks!! Its only got about 11 shrooms on


So, I am finally back to post some updates.. My tank has come a LONG way since I have posted here...
I have a website that i have about 70 pics on, so PLEASE check it out!! Tell me what you think!!!
The newest additions are a pokerstar monti, a green and orange chalice, and a red and green acan colony.