My 29 gal


Here are some pics of my 29 gal. Enjoy!

"cambo" he has a great personality and is out most of the time

The king of the tank (or at least he thinks so)

Flame Scallop

Emerald Crab hiding out

Maroons in their home!


Active Member
can we get a full tank shot? You're going to get crap for the mandarin in a 29g, I have a cute little green one in mine.


How long have you had the Scallop and what do you feed him? Also does he move around alot I hear they can mess things up when they take off... I really want one any info would help


I will have a full tank shot up soon sorry. The flame scallop moves to a place he likes and pretty much stays there. He had to move because of the anenome but he found a new spot and has been there since. I havent noticed any destruction from him. He kicks up some sand but thats about it. I dont even feed him anything directly, pretty sure he is just a filter feeder. I have had him for about 3-4 months now and he seems happy. Thanks for the comments guys!


How is the Mandarin doing? I reaaaaaally want one in my 29, but everyone says it cannot sustain enough pods and they will starve. Whats up? :thinking:


So far so good with the mandrin he seems to be happy and is out alot. he crusises around and picks at the rocks and stuff alot. I will keep you updated!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MACJMC
So far so good with the mandrin he seems to be happy and is out alot. he crusises around and picks at the rocks and stuff alot. I will keep you updated!
i give the mandarin a month and hell decimate the entire pod population. give it 6 months and hes dead.


Can't he stock the tank with pods? Are those something one can buy? I'd love on e of these in my 29, too! I have lots of pods... but I'm gussing they would get eaten before they can reproduce.


A 29g Tank will UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES sustain a large Pod population without one of those $20.00 bottle almost 3 times a week. Otherwise it is an awsome tank!


Active Member

Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
sustain a large Pod population without one of those $20.00 bottle almost 3 times a week. Otherwise it is an awsome tank!
are you serious? 3 times a week? If you have no rock or hiding areas for the posd, maybe, and you have 3 mandarins. The trick is to hide rock rubble

and other various things throughout the tank that the mandarin can't get to, pour the kagillion pound bottle into the rock rubble and (in my case pvc) and they can breed there. Its not perfect and if they only eat pods it will NOT work, but that was a bit of an exageration.... DISCLAIMER: Noone should try this unless they are experienced and have the time and desire needed to take care of a dragonet in a small tank.
p.s. Mine also stays alive via mysis shrimp... it loves it.


Originally Posted by nYgel
are you serious? 3 times a week? If you have no rock or hiding areas for the posd, maybe, and you have 3 mandarins. The trick is to hide rock rubble

and other various things throughout the tank that the mandarin can't get to, pour the kagillion pound bottle into the rock rubble and (in my case pvc) and they can breed there. Its not perfect and if they only eat pods it will NOT work, but that was a bit of an exageration.... DISCLAIMER: Noone should try this unless they are experienced and have the time and desire needed to take care of a dragonet in a small tank.
p.s. Mine also stays alive via mysis shrimp... it loves it.

How long has this proven method of yours been in place? lol not more than 6 months since ur dragon is still alive. You could sprinkle magic keep him alive powder in there and he wont live. You LFS should give you better advice!


Active Member
Unless you can provide plenty of food your mandarin it will die in less than a year. Your tank is to small to keep a live population of pods for a mandarin. If you were to get a well feed specimen then it might live over a year, but its doubtfull....most are starving in the tanks at your lfs.