my 29


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took this pic with my cell so it kinda sucks... but i havent put up any pics in like a year so i thought id post.



Active Member
ive got 30 pounds of live rock qting in the basement and after the holidays im planning on adding a few more corals and a black background so hopefully itll look a little better. but... i like it.
edit// dang, i just noticed my fish are hiding.


Active Member
I like the aquascape. Can't wait to see the addition of more rock and coral too.

Would like to see more if the fish decide to come out too....hehe.


Active Member
thanks everyone. thats about 15 - 20 lbs of rock in there so im a tad worried about the tank looking like a quarry when i put the other 30 lbs in. lol. right now the only things in the tank are shrooms and xenia, a baby curly q anemone (back from the dead!
) an occelaris clown, shrimpgoby, and a pajama cardinal. well yeah snails and a conch and crabs too.
when i go on my post xmas shopping spree, i am planning on adding a couple LPS corals (i really want a brain, and i like plates but i heard they are very difficult to keep?), and im looking to find a sun coral locally. i am also thinking about trading the cardinal into my LFS and put the credit toward a sixline. also thinking about getting a cleaner chrimp, some decorator crabs, and maybe a brittle star.
sOoOo thats gonna be fun


Active Member
well not as fast as i was expecting but thats a good thing. i got it about two months ago and it was only one stalk with about eight "hands" and now its almost three stalks (one is in the process of splitting) with too many hands to count.
my tanks so small, i wish it would just stay the size it is now. if it gets too big ima trade it in at LFS.


Active Member
looks good. I like the aquascaping.
do you scrape coraline off your galss? (just curous because I donrt see much coraline growth. I know some people dont like the look of it.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
looks good. I like the aquascaping.
do you scrape coraline off your galss? (just curous because I donrt see much coraline growth. I know some people dont like the look of it.)
nope. i was planning on it when i set the tank up because i dont like the look of a 100% pink tank, but it never grew on the glass. kind of wish i had a little more on the rocks, but whatever. its not killing me.


Active Member
I would love a sun coral but i am a little unsure if i want to deal with there feeding needs.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Alix, are you in NYC? There's a big frag swap this weekend in the city. You'll be able to get some good deals on frags there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam
Alix, are you in NYC? There's a big frag swap this weekend in the city. You'll be able to get some good deals on frags there.
dude i wish. im in freaking ohio.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
I would love a sun coral but i am a little unsure if i want to deal with there feeding needs.
Meaty food every 2-3 days, indirect sunlight. Sorry for the temp jack alix!
Tanks lookin good. 30 more lbs of rock wont look bad if you position it right. I say mess around with it in the QT wherever. Once the money comes in from christmas, Im sure everyones going to be adding a few new pieces


Love, love loooove the aquascape!~

Not sure how it will look after 30 more lbs of LR in it though, because it looks awesome the way that it is right now... lots of little "swim through" passages for the fish and with more corals, it will look amazing as it is.
I wish that I had done my aquascaping more like this because it would give me a whole lot more room in the front to put my zoas and allow my brain to expand happily as wide as it wants!

Looks GREAT!~

Keep us updated more often than once a year, k?


Active Member
hey thanks everyone! im glad you think it looks ok. yeah they rock i got... well lets just say its not the best i could have gotten, but it was decent for about a dollar a pound so i couldnt really pass it up. i doubt im gonna put ALL of it in the tank, ill probably just pick out the best pieces, and toss the rest back in the QT so i can throw them in a fuge later or something.

im debating exactly what i want to put in the tank fishwise, im thinking i want either a sixline wrasse, longnose hawkfish, firefish, or a jawfish (i have a fairly deep sandbed). my mom wants me to get three green chromis, but i dont want to overload the tank. i think im leaning toward the sixline, but im not sure.
what do you guys have in similar tanks? ive looked around a lot but since i dont have a lot of first hand experience its hard to know what will work and what wont.


Active Member
I like sixline wrasses, for a couple reasons.
1 they are very bold, they flash in and out through the rock work popping up here and there.
2 they are known to be predatory in nature on many of the little nasty buggers that can harm coral
3 the colors (especially when they stand their back fin up)
the cons would be they are very territorial so generally should be the last addition to a tank so everyone else is established otherwise a sixline may stress out or kill new fish by harrassing them (even bigger fish)


Active Member
this is what it started out looking like.

(this was my 20G that i switched over about a year and a half ago...)