My 29G is basically complete...


Not pictured: Coral beauty, yellow watchman goby, 2 clowns(I see one off to the side in one of the pics), Rose anemone(also seen in background), and a little fuzzy lion who is being trained to eat frozen before going into the "big boy" tank:D Hope you all like it!


Active Member
Nice tank. How much light do you have for that clam, and how long have you had it? I ask because I have a 29 also. :D


Active Member
Cool! I've heard that maxima's are one of the tougher clams. I've got 300W VHO on my tank. In a few months I want to try a clam once I make sure I can keep my water stable.


Realized I forgot the whole tank shot, here ya go. The leather didn't feel like opening up fully today, can't win'em all I guess...