My 29g reef project


Active Member
I decided a about six months ago to make my 29g a reef. I wanted to use nothing but tank bred or propogated but have assumed another mission. Rescuing corals from LFS's. My LFS had a power outage, and several of the corals were severly damaged because it hapened over a weekend. So far I got 2 hammers, a Bubble coral, a frog spawn and a brain. I figured I would post some pics of how it is all going. One of the Hammers was basicaly dead before I got it home, and was toast right away. Here's the one that made it.


Active Member
Other than the cyano outbreak(caused by not changing RO filter soon enough) I am really happy with the progress. Almost everything in my tank has been tank bred(Bta, Shrooms, False percs, Xenia, Firefish) or was on it's way to death(frogspawn, Bubble, Hammer, brain). The only stuff I have that was yanked from the ocean was the rock, scooter, snails and 1 shrimp. My next tank I am going to try making my own rock, or buying all florida aquaculultured.


Active Member
looks sweet - you might want to lay down the crack pipe so you can get some less blurry photos!!
Hey - maybe your brother will sell you some of his homemade rock?? Man your brother is Awesome!!


Active Member

Originally posted by tangsfornuttin
But it's not getting worse - that's the key... And it's not in a landfill right now because of me..

Exactly how I feel, my roomies think it's because I'm a cheap bastridge though:D