My 29gal


Hey finally got pics of my 29gal thanks to a member from --....I am only 14 so cant afford EVERYTHING for this..Any suggestions?



Good looking start....Why don't you scrape that green algae on the sides and back, it will make the tank look cleaner and not greener =)....
Also do you have more flows like PH'S, skimmer? I know you just beginning, but when you have the money and time try to purchase those first before buying any more livestock besides a cleaning crew.....put some cleaning crew in there some snails, crabs....
Looking good so far....Good Luck


Active Member
yea use that magflots u can get behind the tank right? that should be easy to do! i love the black percs


hey dued im 11and im getin a 75 reef !the trick is get your parents on bored find a grate spot to put it in like the family room also make the stand and canopy go with the room my dad loves the stand/ canopy and ware were putin it so im only payin 100 now whilehe does 1900$ hehe


when I was 14, had a 29 gallon,merry x-mas. started with fancy tail guppies, plastic plants and blue gravel. I thought salt water fish were so cool, I still remeber the day I saw the arrow crab in the little cubicle, man i wanted one.
Well it is some 20 something years later , first salt tank, and don't feel bad, I can't afford everything either, It's not that ya have what you want, It's that you want what you have.
I think your off to a great start. good luck


hey is this rich!? the tank looks good! whats ur fishlist? i love the black clowns they are my favorites!!! where did u get them... do u have a clean up crew?? get an algae scraper


ummm scrape much? might try turning your lights down, or add a better clean up crew. i just think any algea is a eyesore in any display tank