My 3 year old goin for a an EEG tomorrow



good luck tizzy... lol, like the new nickname? i hope all goes well... i know that doctors can be retarded and misdiagnose, so always get a few more opinions. I have a girl here at work, and her mom is sick... they don't know what's going on, but they did diagnose her with pneumonia... turned out that she really had a heart attack... don't even get me started on how a doctor can mix those two up!


My girlfriend teaches at a school for autistic kids. One of the early warning signs is lack of speech. This could also be a symptom of various things or it could just be delayed, but I know that in the "autism world" this is a red flag. Hopefully not, just thought I'd give you what little knowledge I have on the subject. There is no harm in seeking a second opinion no matter what the diagnosis is. Hope all is well.


Thanks Gordie. he has been seen by many specialists and they all say that they know one thing for sure, that he does not have autism. He is extremely emotional, good and bad. If I simply say, "aaawww" he runs over and kisses me til I push him off. But if I take his cup from his sight (to refill it) he goes balistic!! Oh and God forbid I leave him with a stranger!! I left him with a nurse onceto run out and grab a diaper. 30 seconds later, I come back, he's crying and pitching a fit so bad, he throws himself on the ground and thrusts his head to the floor. This time he hit the door trim. nasty goose egg. but he does it all the time!! Pain has not been a sufficient consequence for him. I have a really hard time trying to discipline him.


Active Member
So he did OK on his test? Probably super tired this a.m. huh.
Have you heard of Asperger Syndrome? My girlfriend has a nephew with this, and your guy little sounds a lot like how he started out. Just a thought since you haven't been given any guidence and I can imagine how frustrating that is.
Anyway, so are we gonna hear about your broken arm after you do your curb ollie?


Active Member
Hey just to let you know I know both ends of this side of thing. My son has Autism and my daughter, who's birthday is today :cheer: , had medical problems when she was born. Let's just say she does not have a belly button. So I know what it is like to put your kid through all kinds of tests, basically it SUCKS!!!! But you do what you have to do.
Keep us informed, I know I for one am interested. Alos wondering how the little tyke did during the test.


Active Member
Hey Scots, my hubby's bday is today and my daughters was yesterday !! Happy Bday to all :cheer:
Its horrible to have to put kids through stuff. My son has been hospitialized several times for asthma and I would give anything to take his place when he gets sick. Knock on wood and great meds he hasn't been in hosp. for over a year.


Active Member
hey scotts, my daughter dosent have a bellybutton either. she was a 29 week premie, she weighed 2 lbs and has had a lot of medical problems, and is also adhd on top of everything else. Tizzo, I hope everything turns out ok, and you can find out exactly whats up with your little guy.


Active Member
I used to skate...I my deck and what not for my tank. good Luck with the curb ollie, the farthest I got was a heel flip to a boardslide onto my friends rail and off, I almost nollied a 14 stair but kinda fell on my butt. It KINDA hurt. Good Luck, I've never heard of girls skating...right on though


First, happy birthday to all that it applies to...
Second, I will let you know when I break my arm and there is an awesome girl at the skatepark. She can do the half pipe and come about 2 feet in the air at the end and then land on her board on the flat side behind the halfpipe!! She's awesome!
Thanks for all the concerns about my son. At first it was frustrating, cause she tells me we may need to reschedule so he can be sedated. Then I get him to sleep and she comes in and THEN decides to adjust the bed, turn off the lights and have a long convo about her kid. Needless to say he woke up and I thought for sure we'd hafta come back, but as we were talking, he fell asleep again, and for 20 minutes I was stuck where I was, afraid to move cause if he woke up, we'd hafta start over!! My eleven year old, angel, had my 2 year old girl in the waiting room the whole time. Thank God for him!! He's the most awesome kid in the world!! Anyway, the test got completed, there will be no results for a week, but I have an appt with a neurologist 24 Feb. I think I will get all the details then.
Asberger Syndrome... I'll have to research that.
His new pediatrician is awesome though. The last one never did any tests, never asked any questions etc, but in her defense, she only saw Chace for 10 minutes during "well" visits. But still he's 3 years old and does not talk. He knows about as much sign as a 2 year old knows words. 18 months is when he started walking, etc...
My 2 year old is the absolute best therapy I could have given him. She has taught him so much!!


New Member
I am sorry to hear your frustration of the medical field. Hopefully now you will find the answers that you need from the pediatrician and neurologist. I am a pediatric nurse specializing in the Neuroscience at Boston Children's Hospital. Here are a few helpful links that you can read up on Asperger Syndrome :
If you need any more information, please feel free to email me. Good Luck


Far be it from me to refute the good nurse's expertise, but I think children with aspergers are usually able to speak and communicate. Again, I'm basing this on what I've heard at various fundraisers, happy hours with my gf's co-workers, and of course her bitching about work. I could definitely be mixing up my syndromes.
Good looking kid though!


Active Member
my friends nephew had problems from the get go. He was actually not diagonoised
until he was almost 5. Imagine the frustration. He did not "speak" untiil almost 4 1/2 and it was mumbles and more frustration because he couldn't communicate well. Now he is in mainstream school and you really wouldn't know he had this. A few social things and motor skill issues. I think therapy has done him wonders.
I just put it out there becuase Tizz's little guy has some similar things.
It's great to have people here like Netta, I think nurses are better informed than some doctors because they are down in the trenches more.
So Tizz, did you get a skateboard from Santa??


He's a cutie pie Tizzo!! I have been through EEG's myself before and know that even when I was a teenager they were very hard to do, so I can only imagine what he thinks about it. Good luck, hopefully a diagnosis will make things better so that you can move forward. He's a cute little guy, especially with those dimples! Keep us posted.


Active Member
Best wishes to you Tizzo. My son has cerebral palsy, and I deffinetly understand the frustration side of things for us parents. They are just so damn cute you keep on keepin on even through the hard days. We've been through numerous EEG's and 3 surgerys now for tendon lengthening and another proceedure which switched a part of his leg muscle from the back of his leg to the inside front in an attempt to enable him to walk some day.
I believe God picks strong people to give these special kids to, so feel blessed and enjoy their lively spirit.
This is Billy, named after me.


Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
I believe God picks strong people to give these special kids to, so feel blessed and enjoy their lively spirit.
It's ironic you say that, because one day outa the blue my son (the 11 year old) asks me, "Mom, why would God give us a kid like Chase?"
And without even thinking, without hesitation, I answered him, "Would you rather he gave Chase to another family?"
Of course he said no. But ever since I said that, every time I get really frustrated with him, I remember that convo. If you believe God still speaks through people (which I do) then I really believe he put those words in my mouth, cause I never woulda came up with that on my own. Least that's how I feel!