First, happy birthday to all that it applies to...
Second, I will let you know when I break my arm and there is an awesome girl at the skatepark. She can do the half pipe and come about 2 feet in the air at the end and then land on her board on the flat side behind the halfpipe!! She's awesome!
Thanks for all the concerns about my son. At first it was frustrating, cause she tells me we may need to reschedule so he can be sedated. Then I get him to sleep and she comes in and THEN decides to adjust the bed, turn off the lights and have a long convo about her kid. Needless to say he woke up and I thought for sure we'd hafta come back, but as we were talking, he fell asleep again, and for 20 minutes I was stuck where I was, afraid to move cause if he woke up, we'd hafta start over!! My eleven year old, angel, had my 2 year old girl in the waiting room the whole time. Thank God for him!! He's the most awesome kid in the world!! Anyway, the test got completed, there will be no results for a week, but I have an appt with a neurologist 24 Feb. I think I will get all the details then.
Asberger Syndrome... I'll have to research that.
His new pediatrician is awesome though. The last one never did any tests, never asked any questions etc, but in her defense, she only saw Chace for 10 minutes during "well" visits. But still he's 3 years old and does not talk. He knows about as much sign as a 2 year old knows words. 18 months is when he started walking, etc...
My 2 year old is the absolute best therapy I could have given him. She has taught him so much!!