My 30 gallon


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
The tank could use a little help but in the end look nice. Whats on the far right corner in the tank?
looks like a pickup for a UV ster. or a skimmer


it is a uv ster i have little salt no fresh water expierience and i went and picked up test kits and tested everything the only things that are messed up are the nitrate and nitrite how do i fix this


the bleached look on the coraline is from when we moved the tank that is how much water we took out and it made that part turn white


i have a tomini tang scissor tail goby fire hawk fish 7 of the blue green somethin cant remember bluespeckled shrimp goby clown fish


Active Member
You need to get rid of the tang. Tangs need 6' tanks. Also go down to 3 chromis. I would try and look into a sump. All the crap on the back and in the tank gives it a bad look.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Eqquipment. All the stuff sitting in the tank and such, its an eyesore.
A sump is a plus, but it's definately not a must.
The number of fishes definately need to be decrease to maintain a good and healthy tank.
do water change weekly at 10%. you should be ok and cont. to log in and read on stuff in this forum.
Don't feed too much. Just a few bites a day.


you need a refractometer to have the accurate SG=specific gravity=salt level.
for now, if you don't have a refra. you can go get a hydrometer to test the salt level.
read the instructions.
Go to saltwater lfs and get a bucket of salt.
Read the instructions.
Mix salt water 24 hrs prior any water change.
make sure to mix salt level the same as what you have in the tank.
Put a heater to keep the water the same temp as your tank and an air stone in the fresh mixed salt water jug for 24hrs and you should be good to go.


Originally Posted by bjta2002
i get culligan water is that ok
Culligan water is fine, do what the above post say and mix your own water and buy a refractometer it is only $39 on this website well worth the money. DO you know what type of salt the previous owner used?
Never add the salt directly to the tank always mix it for at least 24hours.
always match the salinity of new water with your tanks water?
Hey good look and welcome to the hobby.
This is an awsome site


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjta2002
awsome thank you what about my nitrate and nitrite levels how do i make them stable
So what did your nitrate and nitrite test read?