My 300Gal In Wall


Active Member
Here it is, Went to FL from Mass to pick it up from a SWF Forum member

Here's the wall that will be demolished.

Beginning demolition

Dooh forgot there was a little cement wall. Now we got to construct something that will hole the tank and stand level...



Active Member
Building shelfs out back to hold filters and pumps

On the left is the where my 65 over the tank fuge is going to go.

You can see more mess and my 180 gal FW

Here it is with the fuge running.

Here it is done and set up, but not looking nice..

New face.



Active Member
Nice! I like how you decorated the wall on the display side.
Your Moorish Idol is beautiful. How old is it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by RobChuck
Nice! I like how you decorated the wall on the display side.
Your Moorish Idol is beautiful. How old is it?
Only about 2 weeks....still crossing my fingers..

glass is alittle dirty not the fish lol.


Active Member
Now all you need is a good skimmer to help keep that water clean. :D
Really looks cool though. Keep us posted.


Active Member
hehe, I think the water is too clean...My macro is starting to die and I've left the lights on 24/7 in my fuge and display and only tiny bits of algae grow.
I need to re-aim my spray bars they keep kicking up sand, hence the perpetual sand storm...
But ya i got a great deal from a great person on here for a skimmer


Active Member
How long have you had your anthias? I have wanted one of those since I saw it at the local aquarium but I have heard that you need to feed them a a couple of times a day. What do you feed your and how many times a day?


I love the set up it looks great.
I noticed you have most of the tank in the garage what are you doing to keep the tank cool in the summer and warm in the winter during those cold Mass. winters.
The reason I ask is when our cabin in North Fla is built i plan on doing a similar set up as you with most of the tank in the garage (if the garage is attached to the house have not decided yet) and I would like to get some ideas as to how to keep the tank warm during the winter ( it gets into the low 30's in N. Fla)


Active Member
Where did you get your moorish idol? If it is a competitor of this website, [LINK VIOLATION] Also, you said he just started eating after two weeks-what exactly did you get him to eat?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
Where did you get your moorish idol? If it is a competitor of this website, my [LINK VIOLATION] Also, you said he just started eating after two weeks-what exactly did you get him to eat?
I usually get my sruff through, but this time I got him at a LFS.
Funny enough I bought over $100 worth of everytype of food he Could possible like...
He ended up eating some old shrimp pellets from my FW tank lol i tossed in as a last resort :notsure:
Once they start eating anything you're someone out of the clear...then he started eating the other Froozen foods i was putting in...
Oh and I don't recommend an Idol for anything less than a 300gal with alteast 4-500lbs of lr. They eat a lot of of LR, especially if you can grow them sponges.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
How long have you had your anthias? I have wanted one of those since I saw it at the local aquarium but I have heard that you need to feed them a a couple of times a day. What do you feed your and how many times a day?
Ya they are tough, I feed them 3 times a day.
They get every day Froozen Formula One, Two, Angel deit w/sponges, Froozen Brine, Mysid and Some red flakes they absolutley Love I have no idea why?? The Whole tanks loves it...


Galma any answer for my question
I noticed you have most of the tank in the garage what are you doing to keep the tank cool in the summer and warm in the winter during those cold Mass. winters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fuax
I love the set up it looks great.
I noticed you have most of the tank in the garage what are you doing to keep the tank cool in the summer and warm in the winter during those cold Mass. winters.
The reason I ask is when our cabin in North Fla is built i plan on doing a similar set up as you with most of the tank in the garage (if the garage is attached to the house have not decided yet) and I would like to get some ideas as to how to keep the tank warm during the winter ( it gets into the low 30's in N. Fla)
LoL i was in the middle of typing as we speak...
The Garage is well insulated as you can see, it got pretty cold, I had to increase the amount of heaters... I had almost 1,000 watts of heaters to keep the temp at 82. I had some in the main tank, wet/dry and fuge, so I didn't get to much of a variance...
So far this summer the garage has remain cool even on the hottest days, Highest i've seen the tank is 84, and that was because one of the heaters got stuck on...
other than that it stays at 82 on the dot. I'll let you know on saturday it's supposed to hit 100 hot and humid..
You may see a different problem where in FL you have a longer rate of heat. I can definaltey see you having to chill the water, especially if you have a reef setup.