My 300Gal In Wall


Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
Here's my Idol, now in QT for ich...
I hope it's in a 300+gal tank.....or it's chances of survial are very very low...hate to say..


It's not... I bought the fish before researching. I know.... I know....As soon as I got home, (full of excitement) I looked it up and the words that jumped out at me were "a fish to avoid" I was bumed out!! After reading a few hundred posts regarding MI and finding out that the survival rate is slim to none, I have decided that I would not return it to LFS but would take care of it the best I can. It seems to be happy and eats really good. A lesson learned. I will enjoy him/her as long as it is with me. :)


Active Member
if it lives...i'd go play the lottery lol...
although I dont understand why you wouldn't take it back though....
Even so, I wouldn't take the chance of Qt'ing it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fuax
Galma any answer for my question
I noticed you have most of the tank in the garage what are you doing to keep the tank cool in the summer and warm in the winter during those cold Mass. winters.

I think I got everything...


Active Member
Originally Posted by JSB
Looks great! So does the 7.
Lol there was another huge project I did at the same time as the tank..



Thanks for the info so i need to just make sure the garage is well insulated and then go from there


Active Member
i assume you put a door stop in front of the tank? as your front door opens up toward the tank. a little advice, make sure no one ever gets angry enough slam doors


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
i assume you put a door stop in front of the tank? as your front door opens up toward the tank. a little advice, make sure no one ever gets angry enough slam doors
lol yes there is one there...
That was put in the day the tank made it...And i tested the angry door slam..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fuax
Thanks for the info so i need to just make sure the garage is well insulated and then go from there
Yes, but it also causes another problem and that is it makes the garage really humid, not a bad thing in the winter...but not good in the summer.
So I'm going to install an exhaust fan near the tank to draw the humid air out.
Fortunatley like a basement, the garage is warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
I would see if you can design it so that you have a hood over your tank...that goes to an exhaust fan... By drawing the air out over you tank will create an awsome cooling effect that would most likely save you on a chiller.


Yeah I see what you mean sounds like it would cause a serious amount of evaporation.
I wonder if I was able to isolate it from the garage and still keep it in the garage I guess what I am saying is basically loose a lil bit of the garage and make a small room so that it gets the benefit of the inside of the house with out taking up too much space in it, but giving me complete access to the tank from the back side. It will be an interesting challenge.


tank looks awesome.but i have a burning question in my come it is that pitbull can ask where sw65 got the idol,and "if it is from a competitor of this site"can he email him where he got it?i did this exact same thing,posted a pic of something and then someone asked where i got it,posted their email and then we get told to basically keep our mouths shut when it comes to competitors.then,5 minutes later the whole post gets erased like it never existed?kinda seems unfair and partial to wait a minute,not kinda,how about totally and completely unfair and partial?no offense meant to pitbull and sw65 though.i understand what ya'll are doing.just wondering where the fair play comes around with the certain mod who cut me completely out............


Active Member
Originally Posted by motohead
how come it is that pitbull can ask where sw65 got the idol...i did this exact same thing.
The mods are volunteers, and do this in thier spare time. They don't always see every thread. They'll probably nuke or edit that post when they find it. It helps that sw65 didn't respond with an online competitor. SWF seems to not mind people discussing local fish stores, that are invaluable for emergency and routine purchaces, and to actually view species of fish you might want to buy online from SWF.


lol,i did not respond with a competitors name either.i just find it to be irritating that they let that slide while wiping mine completely off the face a f the earth.this person did not just edit the post,completely wiped it............


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSkidmore
The mods are volunteers, and do this in thier spare time. They don't always see every thread. They'll probably nuke or edit that post when they find it. It helps that sw65 didn't respond with an online competitor. SWF seems to not mind people discussing local fish stores, that are invaluable for emergency and routine purchaces, and to actually view species of fish you might want to buy online from SWF.
I edited it, just in case...

I really do support, without this site i'd have a tank of dead fish i know it!!!


Active Member
Sorry, I didn't know that. I have seen a lot of other posts that do that, so I figured I would. Plus, he could email me to tell me rather than post it. Won't do that again-I didn't realize you couldn't.
-Adam :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by motohead
lol,i did not respond with a competitors name either.i just find it to be irritating that they let that slide while wiping mine completely off the face a f the earth.this person did not just edit the post,completely wiped it............
Look, I'm here, at work, surfing this site just like you guys are (don't tell the boss :D ). We don't get to every post real fast, OK? Don't take it personally.
Heck, we might even miss some, LOL, can you imagine that?
Look at number of posts, forums and number of mods...and consider that we are actually at our regular jobs trying to do this. :yes: We're doing our best
Please give us a break! :D
Out of respect to the owner and operator of the site, please do not do this. This is different from many other boards, because it is sponsored by a store. Not a store that just gives you some bit of info, but a store that allows you to get feedback and research a particular fish, piece of equipment, or whatever instantly. I find this to be quite unusual, and that is why I spend time here.
There is basically one rule:
Do not talk about other stores (including posting links, emailing to people, posting to message boards as they are sponsored by competitors).
It is like not walking into a store, getting info, and then telling all the customers "hey go to this cheaper store over there." Its just plain rude. That's all.
If it is the whole focus of a post, it will most likely just be deleted. If it is within a post, then it may be editted or whatever. Maybe it is whatever is fastest at the moment. But it is not done to insult someone personally.
This post is about sw65galma 300g, angry door slam proof tank :D
So let's get back to it :D


Originally Posted by motohead
tank looks awesome.but i have a burning question in my come it is that pitbull can ask where sw65 got the idol,and "if it is from a competitor of this site"can he email him where he got it?i did this exact same thing,posted a pic of something and then someone asked where i got it,posted their email and then we get told to basically keep our mouths shut when it comes to competitors.then,5 minutes later the whole post gets erased like it never existed?kinda seems unfair and partial to wait a minute,not kinda,how about totally and completely unfair and partial?no offense meant to pitbull and sw65 though.i understand what ya'll are doing.just wondering where the fair play comes around with the certain mod who cut me completely out............

The difference is that Pitbull posted his own email address, not a competitors website. You can ask someone to email you info, you just can't advertise for another site on this one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by inkman2004
The difference is that Pitbull posted his own email address, not a competitors website. You can ask someone to email you info, you just can't advertise for another site on this one.
I think we posted at the same time :D
Requesting an email in this manner is considered a violation of the rules.
For clarification, I'll post the legendarily (is that a word?) oppressive, LOL
"rules" of the board. Note that most are standard legal stuff. Only 3 lines that are "rules," more like "good manners" IMO. :yes:
It is highly recommended that you consider 10 different opinions on a topic before coming to any conclusion on any subject covered on this message board. Be careful of following recommendations or advice from people that are using hearsay information as fact. While most people have the best intentions information found on this board should be used only as a guide and opinions should not always be considered fact and recommendations should not always be followed. We encourage you to gather as much information as possible and not to consider anyone an expert unless you know them personally.
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