My 54G Reef Tank


I had it up and running for about a year now and just installed an above tank Refugium about 2 weeks ago and fully converted over to reef. The fuge is amazing keeps all levels at 0PPM. I have a better skimmer coming in on Wednesday of next week because that cheap counter current one cannot keep up. I got a Prizm skimmer would should do a much better job.

nm reef

Active Member
Very healthy/mature looking system. Very nice selection of corals....congrads on your success and thanks for posting a look at your reef!!


Thanks a lot! It is well worth the effort when you get those kind of compliments on something you dedicate a lot of your time to day in and day out.


That is the best way to keep animals like copepods and stuff alive. You see with a under tank refugium you have to use a pump to bring water up to the tank. This above tank setup takes advantage of gravity ato bring water down to my main tank without a pump to chew up any live copepods and stuff.


Well, it is still pretty new about a month or 2 old. I also have a bunch of snails and hermits to keep up with algae blooms. Once in a while i wipe down the parts inside where water spots or salt creep develop with a wet napkin.


Active Member
Nice. But, might I ask, is there any cheaper way to make one? I mean, u could pretty much take on thats on the bottom, and just put it up top, and either drill the hole in the bottom, or just use a siphon? U could still use the pump, and if u run the siphon the right way, it would only overflow enough to top off yer display. Then u could use a check valve on the pump. Sorry, but I actually feel smart now, lol.:jumping: :D