My 55 Gallon..........


Originally Posted by team2jndd
WAIT A MINUTE. I added that stuff and my clam died a few days later. I just figured I messed up somehow. I was wondering why everything seemed fine. How long would it take for all of the chemical to be cleared from my system to try again?
I'm not sure how long you should wait, I didn't add another byvalve for several months after the first time, and have not put one in since the second time, well over 6 months ago.
but yea with your problem as well I am pretty much convinced that that is the culprate. must be a bacteria that lives in such animals. I Think I'll post a warning on the Boards.
I am sorry for your loss


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcbc3384
What's cyano?

Ever seen WaterBoy?...
My Momma says "cyano is the DEVIL!!!"
Good luck with the stuff, I'm still sitting here with a sticky arm from fighting the stuff off by hand with a toothbrush