My 55 gallon


New Member
Hey yall just curious about two things; food and other inhabitants.
First my tank specs:
55 gallon
Filters and water movement
3 - power heads
1 - 350 magnum canister with LR in it
1 - Aqua C remora pro with 1400 pump ProSkim
4 - 48" VHO's, 2 - blue actinic, 2 - 10K, with 2 icecap ballasts powering them.
I bought my own RO water kit and my water is perfect doing water changes every 2 weeks. I use some additives.
Current Inhabitants
2 false perculas, 3 curly q's and a cleaner pack from here on (red herms, blue leg herms, snails ect...) 50+ pounds of LR it spans the whole back and almost to top of tank. Also some sand at bottom of tank.
Now on to questions:
what should I feed my fish? I have been feeding frozen brine shrimp but i heard this has little to no nutritional value.
what else should I get for my tank given the size and equipment?
I want to keep it minimal so I was thinking maybe a blenny of some sorts and a carpet or bubble tip and that would be it. what you guys think? i will post current pics when I get home.
Thanks for the help. MT


Active Member
agreed. if you do continue to use brine, at least add something to it. garlic and selcon would be good choices.
you have room for a few more fish. look into dwarf angels and hawkfish. they would be good choices IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by multi-task
what about my curly q's and/if I get BT or carpet for clowns, what should they eat?
something meaty like chopped up silverside, scallop, or raw shrimp.
also, what additives are you adding? you really shouldn't be adding anything if you're not testing for it.


Active Member
I have some False Percs, Royal Gramma, Sixline & Firefish and I feed them 3 differnt foods every other day (rotate). Frozen Mysis, Frozen "Emerald Entree" and Frozen "Marine Cuisine". I dose it with vitamins.
Good luck!


New Member
the additives are from LFS them being kent marine such as; Coral Vite, Liquid Calcium, Pro Buffer dKh and some others. Do i even need to add these?
My water quality is almost always perfect with all the LR, filtration and low fish stock and also the water changes.
Can I get a bubble tip with what I already have in the tank?


Active Member
you definelty need to be testing for calcium and dkh if youre adding those two.


Active Member
Originally Posted by multi-task
Can I get a bubble tip with what I already have in the tank?
How established is your tank? How long has it been cycled?
I would say yes with the lighting you have. BTA's need very good water quality and an established tank.