my 55 reef


Active Member
hey since im new here i thought id show you all some pics of my 55gallon, im very impressed and a little jealous with the other pictures of seen of other tanks. my tank isnt fully stocked yet (only going for about 7 months or so), but im hoping to get it filled by spring. i appologize for the photo quality (some colors are off), there are so many buttons on the camera! let me know what you think and give me any suggestions.



Looks like you have a great tank going there. You could use a photo editing program to balance color levels and eliminate color casting and bring out the true colors of your tank better (if your not a camera person and cant do the same thing with the camera) :joy:


Originally Posted by WangoTango
hey since im new here i thought id show you all some pics of my 55gallon, im very impressed and a little jealous with the other pictures of seen of other tanks. my tank isnt fully stocked yet (only going for about 7 months or so), but im hoping to get it filled by spring. i appologize for the photo quality (some colors are off), there are so many buttons on the camera! let me know what you think and give me any suggestions.
what is stringy thing in the bottom left corner i have one on my rock


Active Member
man you said you have a bad tank, :scared: now i feel like burying my head in the ground because of the shame in my tank.
all i have is an anemone, and like 7 frags some big some small. But i think i have some nice fish in there which bring my hopes up.


Active Member
thanks for the compliments everyone. ill post some more pics of the tank once its filled and some of my fish too (once i figure out editing). unless i get a bigger tank by them ;)


New Member
I got some curly Cues for free with an order from
They're pretty hardy. They're growing ubelievably fast too. They're not quite as big as yours though. I'm kind of excited about them getting that big though. One of mine made his home right in the front of my tank half under a rock. When he's all open, it's really cool looking.


Active Member
mine almost trippled its size in less than 2 years (i feed it occasionaly). i noticed that they start to turn brownish after a while though.


Looks really good. I've got a 55 on the way. Can you tell me about your equipment. How much lighting do you have and are you satisfied with it.


Active Member
ive got 3 110 watt 46 1/2" VHO's on my tank (2 blue + 1 white), so thats 6 watts per gallon, along with 4 moonlights. the tank is an all-glass with a megaflow (i like it but it takes up a lot of space). about 20 pounds of sand, 60 pounds of rock. acrylic sump/ small fuge with a CPR sr2 skimmer (not the best but it works), and a mag-drive return pump. i like the tank, but i wish it was wider, like the 75 gallon, but i settled with the 55. i think most of the equipment, and some rock was like $1650. its coming along though.


What is a mega flow? I would love to see your sump/fuge.
Same with me. The 75 would have been ideal, however, the 55 will do for now. I wonder if I can convert my 36 to a sump/fuge.


Active Member
for the latest two questions... the green things next to the clam are star polyps, kind of a neon greenish color. the mega-flow is the black box inside of the tank that houses the drain and the return pipes (that go through the bottom). this is the system that replaced the corner -flows in the All-glass tanks. i like this systen, because you can put the tank right up against the wall because you dont have an overflow box, even though you lose a little ******** space.