my 55


New Member
i got a fimbriated moray - 13 to 14 inches. figure she will get 2 feet minimum. juvie picasso trigger. medium to large foxface ( which will be leaving the tank soon (he was refugee from a friend)). cleaner shrimp that has molted 6 times at least in 2 months. 2 turbo snails. 2 blue leg hermits. 1 medium brittle star. its my first tank. i have a penguin 350, and something similar running with no filters - just for movement. 35 lbs or so live rock - smaller pieces so i have a lot of surface area. 5 lbs of live sand i just added for the eel cave. i change my water ALOT. 7-10 gallons usually 2x per week. water looks good. LFS tests it good as well.