Originally Posted by Tarball
Drift fishing many years ago I snagged this lightening whelk with my fish net. I couldn’t believe how large this shell was! I tossed it into the back of my boat for a souvenir. When I got home from fishing I put the lightening whelk in a tree in the backyard to keep it away from my dog. LOL.
I’ll tell you, the snail that was in the shell sure made me pay for bring it home.
It stunk my backyard up “Bad” for over a month! My wife and the dog said!
“ Get that STINKING thing out of here!!.. I managed to fight them off & I got a very cool Lightening Whelk. To those that do not know, a Lightening Whelk is the official
Texas State Shell. This is why I wanted to keep it.
I have always heard not to put "found" shells/items in the tank because of the risk of putting decomposed/decomposing matter in the tank. If you have been a month without a problem you are probably fine, but in the future you might want to be especially careful not to do that because of the imbalance risk. Nevertheless it is is a gorgeous shell. I have a couple of them, and some other shells that I have to slap my hands not wanting to put them into an aquarium.
Drift fishing many years ago I snagged this lightening whelk with my fish net. I couldn’t believe how large this shell was! I tossed it into the back of my boat for a souvenir. When I got home from fishing I put the lightening whelk in a tree in the backyard to keep it away from my dog. LOL.
I’ll tell you, the snail that was in the shell sure made me pay for bring it home.
It stunk my backyard up “Bad” for over a month! My wife and the dog said!
“ Get that STINKING thing out of here!!.. I managed to fight them off & I got a very cool Lightening Whelk. To those that do not know, a Lightening Whelk is the official
Texas State Shell. This is why I wanted to keep it.
I have always heard not to put "found" shells/items in the tank because of the risk of putting decomposed/decomposing matter in the tank. If you have been a month without a problem you are probably fine, but in the future you might want to be especially careful not to do that because of the imbalance risk. Nevertheless it is is a gorgeous shell. I have a couple of them, and some other shells that I have to slap my hands not wanting to put them into an aquarium.