My 55g Tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Looking good. Nice new additions and I like all the holes the fish can swim through.

Thanks! The Wrasse swims around and around them! It has checked out every nook and cranny I have there!
Very cool fish!


Active Member
Here is a new pick of the branching hammer coral. On a sad note, we had our first fish loss today. Our Banggai Cardinalfish has died. Very sad.



Active Member
Originally Posted by jpc763
Here is a new pick of the branching hammer coral. On a sad note, we had our first fish loss today. Our Banggai Cardinalfish has died. Very sad.

Sorry about your Cardinal. I understand that you will either lose one very quickly or if they last for a few weeks, they will last for a long time. I wouldn't give up, try another one (test your water first though just to be sure). I have two Bangaii Cardinals and I love them, great fish.


Active Member

Originally Posted by SouthOats
Sorry about your Cardinal!
That's a great tank! Love the Wrasse & Firefish!!
On another sad note, this morning I discovered my firefish had been sucked into my powerhead. Big time bummer! He was so lively last night before bed! 2 fish in 2 days. That sucks. So now my stock list looks like:
Updated Livestock

2 False Percula Clowns - Nick & Nora
Sixline Wrasse - Rocky+
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Jacques
Sally Lightfoot Crab - Sally
Brittlestar - Clark
Branching Hammer Coral


Originally Posted by jpc763
Thanks, I am very happy with it. We got the hood back today. Here it is all together!
How does that work w/ the wood covering the corners? where is it attached to the stand? I am building a stand currently and LOVE that look, but am concerned how you can get the tank out (if you ever have to)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Am00re34
How does that work w/ the wood covering the corners? where is it attached to the stand? I am building a stand currently and LOVE that look, but am concerned how you can get the tank out (if you ever have to)
The legs do not attach to the stand. The canopy slides in after the tank is in place. For big work like water changes I remove the canopy. If I were to retro my lights into the canopy, that could make it more difficult. But as it is, it is very easy to remove by myself.
Note: the first picture is with the hood off. That is what it looks like when I remove it.
PM me if you want more detailed photos so you can reference it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Sorry about your Cardinal. I understand that you will either lose one very quickly or if they last for a few weeks, they will last for a long time. I wouldn't give up, try another one (test your water first though just to be sure). I have two Bangaii Cardinals and I love them, great fish.

I am going to hold off on fish for a little while. We replace the firefish as my 8 year old son was devistated.
I test my water at least 2x per week since my tank is pretty new. My water parameters have been perfect since the cycle completed. I have never had Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate or PO readings since the cycle. My SG has been between 1.023 and 1.025 since the cycle. I have a protein skimmer and a refugium with Chaeto in place so I am not sure why the CardinalFish died other than from Stress. The day before he died, I did a 10% water change, did a full filter clean/replacment and cleaned all of the powerheads. Maybe that pushed him over the edge. I am not so sure since he stopped eating a few days before the water change.
On another note, my Clowns color has brightened and they look like they have brightened. Our Cleaner Shrimp has molted and grown so most of the livestock is happy.
Thanks for the condolences. I really like Banggai Cardinalfishes and will probably get another in the future. I need to find a LFS that gets captive bred ones.


Active Member
Captive breed will probably be your best bet. Just to let you know about my Cardinals, they wouldn't eat anything but Mysis Shrimp. When they were in QT for three weeks, when I first bought them, I tried everything. Even after going into my DT, they won't eat unless it's Mysis Shrimp. Crazy because most people report that their Cardinals will eat anything. I did notice though, after I bought my Hippo Tang that they have a taste for algea sheets.
And then last week when I was feeing my BTA some frozen krill, they ate the pieces that got a way. So maybe when you get your new one you can try those foods to see if they will eat more.


Active Member
Update on my tank
55g all glass
15g fuge
protein skimmer
T5 4x54 lighting
75lbs live rock
60lbs live sand
Temp: 81
Specific Gravity: 1.024
pH: 8.40
Ammonia: 0.00
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Calcium: 480
Calcium Hardness (KH): 161.1
Phosphate (PO): 0
2 False Percula Clowns - Nick & Nora
Firefish - Sparky
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Jacques
Sixline Wrasse - Stimpy
Sally Lightfoot Crab - Sally
Brittlestar - Clark
Emerald Crab - Click
Branching Hammer Coral
Candycane Coral (new today)
Mushrooms (new today)
The pics.
Tank View:

Left Half

Right Half


Active Member
Now for the coral
Branching Hammer Coral

Zoanthids (The right side polyps just started doing that today


Candycane Coral


Active Member
Tank is looking good. Great new additions.
You know.....I bought a zoo frag from a local reefer and for a few days it did great in my tank, then it has started to do what yours is doing, several of the polyps won't open anymore and it even looks like some of them are completely gone. I got nervous that I might have brought something into my DT with the zoos, so I took the new frag out and put it in my QT. The one area is still not opening but the other polyps are doing fine. I'm just going to let it sit in my QT for a while and see if I can see a critter poke it's head out or something. I bought another frag on that same day and it's doing fine in my DT, from a different reefer though. My three other zoos that have been in my DT for months are all doing great. It's a mystery, not sure what's going on with my new frag of zoos.


Active Member
Thanks All. This is a frustrating, but rewarding obsession!
I am worried about my little Zoo frag. 5 or 6 of the polyps suddenly decided to close yesterday, and have not reopened. I did have my hand in there scooping out a little live sand for my QT setup, could that have done something???
Thanks, J


Active Member
I have a couple of new shots to share.
Here is my candycane coral at night! Cool!

Here is my brittlestar Clark

And here are my hitchhiking Sponges!



New Member
Gotta ask a newb question about your corals you have. What do you feed them, do each of them get different foods and how do you feed them? Do they need to be target fed? I've done alot of research on saltwater in general, but haven't really run across basic care and feeding of corals.
Nice Tank I've had my 55 gallon up now for about a month, no corals yet, still researching.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
I don't like sponges... I have like 1480392 on my glass

The cool thing is that these sponges showed up in my fuge, not my DT!

I was cleaning the fuge and found them growing all over this rock that I have in there. Very cool.