My 55g tank



I have finally taken pictures of my tank. Sorry for the poor quality, the photos were taken on my phone.
Old photo, the Yellow Tang passed away

This is Frogspawn right? I got it for free.

Cleaner shrimp, with my Black and White perc butting in.

Can anyone spot my Lawnmower Blenny?

My Diamond Goby, the life of the tank

He was the only one who wanted to be photogenic today

Full tank shot


Active Member
If I remember corretly that is a striped damsel, not a black and white perc. Or is it just the picture?


Well-Known Member take better pictures with your phone than I take with my expensive camera. How do you get pictures off the phone?


Nope, I'm pretty sure that that is a clown. Last time I checked he was atleast.

And the pictures were taken with my iPhone, there is a Photobucket app on there where I can upload photos directly from it.
Oh and I'm not sure what sps is, wanna point it out to me?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tiny
Nope, I'm pretty sure that that is a clown. Last time I checked he was atleast.

And the pictures were taken with my iPhone, there is a Photobucket app on there where I can upload photos directly from it.
Oh and I'm not sure what sps is, wanna point it out to me?
its a hard coral. nice tank