My 55g

dan lang

New Member
Here are a couple of pics of my 55g that me and my dad share. bening a kid and liking these tanks and having fun with them.i do alot of work on this tank bymyslef when my dad isent home but sometimes he helpes me out.i am going to have a 10g in my room that is reef but i need to find lighting and i need to get this tank at a spot where i want to stop buying and do more looking lol.wish me luck.:jumping:


still confused kids that see your tank?????
i am jsut wondering cause it was really random in the middle of your thread lol

dan lang

New Member
i have more pics buti have no idea how to put more on here....i have a idea and i bet this will work.lets see.....


hey i noticed you have a gogous (spelling) colt coral i just recieved one today but it is all dropping and looking sad just wondering what your view was
and i jsut reread (i am a little slow sometimes)your statement about how much work it is and i am 15 and i know what you mean the ppl that see my tank think you can just put stuff in it and it will live...far from the
is my coral doomed?

dan lang

New Member
yeah reefer sence u just bought it, it might take a bit to get use u put any additives in your tank like photoplex or anything on that line...because in the long run they look really good and help the life spand

dan lang

New Member
the rock on the far left has the most rock anynomies ever...when i purchesed it i noticed it had about 20 of them and i noticed yesterday that it has a feather duster growing on it


when i was 11 i bought my tank but i did alot of research first. i know what you mean about having people that have no clue about how much work it is:mad: it becomes so aggrivating


Active Member
Nice setup. Tell us a little about it. Lights, rock, inhabitants, filtration, etc.