my 6 Line Wrasse

I thought I would share a PIC with you of my new 6 line... he came last week and was very healthy looking ... I was impressed with my SWF oder. Now that he is in his home, I tried to grab PICS.. HE IS FAST!!!! I do see him alot, he swims ALL OVER the tank then goes in the rock...:D
Thanking you kindly, Kim
Will try for a better pic when he gets bigger.. he is small, maybe an inch and 1/2 :D :D But I love Him!


They are a interesting fish to watch since they are probebly the fish that swims in and out of the rock the most!


Yeah, I also love when mine feels threaten or is curious about something. He will flare his fins and arch his back while turning to one side then the other while checking out whatever it is he is curious about. Neat and beautiful fish.
Awsome fish!
I added one last week( on reccomendation from many people here) and he has become my favorite fish...very active and curious. I love to watch him hunt pods on my LR.
lolol.. tHEY ARE GREAT
mINE SPENDS HOURS GOIN BACK TOT HE side of the tank wondering WHY this OTHER good looking fish wont play??


Active Member
Nice, the only real problem with six lines is getting them to stay still long enough to get thier picture taken. ;) I've been trying for weeks.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I've taken about a million shots of my 10 gallon, and this is still the best one I have of Kramer (named after Seinfeld), because he pops in and out and steals food from Jerry (my percula clown)... He also borrowed some amphipods from Jerry a few months ago...
Anyway just look at him saying... "Hey buddy... hey buddy...":D