A few suggestions for you if you are getting a reef tank. Get at least a 75 gallon, especially if you want tangs.
Try to buy one that is wider than 12 inches, this will help you with Live Rock placement
Before you buy any corals, buy a Skimmer.
Make sure you buy enough powerheads to move your water at 20x your tank size. I.E. - a 75 Gal tank...I recommend 1500 GPH minimum
In my 55, I have
2 400GPH Powerheads
1 260GPH Powerhead
1 400GPH Filter
1 100GPH Protein Skimmer
1560GPH total in my 55
Do the math and I have 30x water movement. The skimmer and the water movement is crucial to any reef. The corals need to catch Plankton or whatever food is in the water. With no water movement, your corals will die.
My suggestion on your first coral after purchasing all of this stuff is Xenia or Polyps. Make sure they are propagating before you purchase anythig else