my 7 gallon first setup


New Member
hi everyone new member to the site.
i have had this tank for about 6 months and it is goin along nicely everyone told me it wouldnt work but i have estalished a nice tank.
the occupants are ocelaris clown (nemo lol) royal dottyback and as of yesterday fire goby
the bloke at the aquarium said they would get along good but the dottybak has just demolished the fire goby he just sits in the corner and the dottyback smashes him and has riped apart his tail. wat should i do its about 2 die
i also have a few corals and blue lights
ps: its runing of a underground filter its so sh!t
i am looking to upgrade soon to a 3ft is that 2 big 2 soon thanks



It looks like you've proven an undergravel filter is possible! And If I were you I would either get rid of the Bully or vice versa.


Active Member
Looks like you have fun on your hands. The royal dottyback's can be quite nasty. If you want to keep that dottyback then take out your clown and firefish. A 7 gal is not really big enough for all those fish. The dottyback will pick on your clown if there is no firefish in there. So like mentioned keep the "one" aggressive fish or get rid of him and keep the clown and firefish.
Good luck....


New Member
well it seems that my firefish has died i cant find him so i guess his dead. thanks debbie for the info my clownfish and dottyback get on good they never fight they actully follow eachother around and it seems that they like eachother.